[RFC] Enable TVM QNN on RISC-V with Subword SIMD Computation

Hello, we’re the team from NTHU (National Tsing-Hua University), Taiwan. Our team mainly focuses on the design with supporting TVM on RISC-V architecture with SIMD instructions. In this RFC, we target on the application for RISC-V P extension(RVP). This is the extension for RISC-V DSP and subword SIMD extension. Note that a preliminary version of this work is reported at RISC-V Global Forum, Sep. 3, 2020, Lightning talk session(video link).

Intro of RISC-V P extension(RVP)

RISC-V is an open source ISA with multiple extensions for different application needs. For vector computation, RISC-V provides “V” and “P” extension to support superword SIMD and subword SIMD, respectively. Here we target on RVP, it’s designed for embedded processors or DSP-like devices. All of computation use general purpose registers (32, 64 bits) with lower precision numerical such as fixed point and integer. In our previous work below at TVM conference, we give the flow for fixed-point flow. As we learn that there is a QNN flow in TVM, we devise the TVM QNN flow for RISC-V P extension. This will make our flow more compatible with existing TVM flow.

The previous work for RVP in TVM for fixed-point flow is given below.

  • Supporting TVM on RISC-V Architectures with SIMD computation (video link)

The specification of RISC-V P extension is as follows.


As we’re trying to find a friendly application that related to RVP, we found QNN as the best practice for us. Especially for pre-quantized flow from QNN dialect, most of Ops are either in int8/uint8 or int32, these are suitable to enable subword SIMD computation. As TVM upstream doesn’t have support for RISC-V in topi implement or any handling for scheduling. We want to propose our work which mainly focuses on enabling tensorization on conv2d_nchw_int8 and vectorization on Ops in int32.



  1. New target : riscv_cpu
  2. Introduce an intrinsic for dot-product in convolution, and enable it by tensorization.
  3. Vectorize Ops to generate SIMD pattern (add).
  4. Introduce a custom runtime to easily generate executable files for the Spike simulator.
  5. Run spike to get the result.

RISC-V Target

  • register new TVM target : riscv_cpu
    • using llvm as our target backend with --mtriple=riscv64-unknown-elf --system-lib
  • add codegen_riscv.cc as RISC-V specific code generator
    • register for target_riscv32 and target_riscv64
  • register strategy, specially handle schedule for conv2d_nchw_int8 with tensorize
    • uses x86’s compute/schedule for others
  • since Spike doesn’t support parallel computing, we use an empty schedule for schedule_injective(), except for Ops that gonna be vectorized

Intrinsic for dot product

In order to efficiently executing convolution, we propose to use the following instructions in RVP :

Instructions above accumulate the product into 32-bits directly, it save the effort to save temp result as 16-bits, also preserve the accuracy compared with using SIMD Mul with 8-bits. The int32_lanes is fixed as 2 since maximum length of a register in RVP is 64-bits. This is done in one instruction and with plenty of subword parallelism.

Intrinc func is delcared as :

# num_int8_elements = 4
# int32_lanes = 2

def _intrin_func(ins, outs):
    def _instr(index):
        ib = tvm.tir.ir_builder.create()
        if index == 1:
            ib.emit(outs[0].vstore(0, tvm.tir.const(0, 'int32x%d' % (int32_lanes))))
            return ib.get()

        dtype_a = '%s8x%d' % (data_dtype, num_int8_elements)
        dtype_b = '%s8x%d' % (kernel_dtype, int32_lanes * num_int8_elements)
        dtype_c = 'int32x%d' % (int32_lanes)

        a_int8 = ins[0].vload([0], dtype_a)
        re_int32 = tvm.tir.call_intrin('int32', 'tir.reinterpret', a_int8)
        vec_ai32 = re_int32.astype(dtype_c)

        vec_a = tvm.tir.call_intrin(dtype_b, 'tir.reinterpret', vec_ai32)
        vec_b = ins[1].vload([0, 0], dtype_b)

        # Call intrinsic for RVP
        d_dtype = 's' if data_dtype == 'int' else 'u'
        k_dtype = 's' if kernel_dtype == 'int' else 'u'
        if d_dtype == 'u' and k_dtype == 's':
            inst = 'llvm.riscv.simd.%s%sdot.v%di32' % (
                    k_dtype, d_dtype, int32_lanes)
            vdot = tvm.tir.call_llvm_pure_intrin(dtype_c,
                                        tvm.tir.const(0, 'uint32'),
                                        vec_b, vec_a)
            inst = 'llvm.riscv.simd.%s%sdot.v%di32' % (
                    d_dtype, k_dtype, int32_lanes)
            vdot = tvm.tir.call_llvm_pure_intrin(dtype_c,
                                        tvm.tir.const(0, 'uint32'),
                                        vec_a, vec_b)

        if index == 0:
            ib.emit(outs[0].vstore(0, vdot))
            ib.emit(outs[0].vstore(0, vdot + outs[0].vload([0], 'int32x%d' % (int32_lanes))))

        return ib.get()

    # body, reset, update
    return _instr(0), _instr(1), _instr(2)


In addition to enable tensorization for convolution, we can also improve the performance for other Ops by vectorizing. For example, most of add in pre-quantized model are in int32, we can vectorize it with lanes 2 to utilize SIMD instructions like kadd32(SIMD 32-bit Signed Saturating Addition).

# python/tvm/topi/riscv_cpu/injective.py
# schedule_injective(), check if op is `add`
A = op.output(0)
if op.input_tensors[0].dtype == 'int32' and op.input_tensors[1].dtype == 'int32':
    if A.shape[-1] % 2 == 0:
        o, i = s[A].split(A.op.axis[-1], 2)

We’re also considering to enable vectorize for other Ops. All the other works are in progerss (SIMD Mul, Max …).

RISC-V Custom Runtime (RISC-V DLR)

As we’re trying to use TVM’s LLVM backend to generate implementation of the model, and plan to run it on Spike. We need a corresponding LLVM for generating correct assembly and then write a C++ code to calling it (including set input, run, and get output). In the end, we need to compile this program with riscv-gnu-toolchain. To get a minimal runtime for such an environment, we use a custom runtime which is fetched from TVM GraphRuntime with extra features. We remake a C++ interface to invoke the GraphRuntime function, thus making it possible to make the input of runtime be clean and directly usable after relay.build. We found this concept is quite similar with bundle_deploy, and we’re currently looking for some advice on which flow we should follow or possible approach to reuse.

Thus, for this C++ code, we need…

  • The output after TVM’s relay.build : .graph, .params
  • with data/label read function in C++
  • calling a custom interface to invoke function in GraphRuntime
  • sample code host.cpp at here
    • this file do the similar behavior as demo_static.cc in bundle_deploy

In this flow, we use a build() function which collect the needed information from .graph to generate a kernel.inc file. In this file, the order and the function to be called is presented. Following is the example of kernel.inc:

// kernel.inc
extern "C" int32_t fused_transpose(void* args, void* arg_type_ids, int32_t num_args);
extern "C" int32_t fused_nn_conv2d_7(void* args, void* arg_type_ids, int32_t num_args);
extern "C" int32_t fused_nn_bias_add_5(void* args, void* arg_type_ids, int32_t num_args);
extern "C" int32_t fused_nn_relu_4(void* args, void* arg_type_ids, int32_t num_args);
// ...

void dlr::DLR::Runx()
    int32_t ret;
    ret = fused_transpose(opa[0].values, opa[0].tcodes, opa[0].num);
    assert(ret == 0);
    ret = fused_nn_conv2d_7(opa[1].values, opa[1].tcodes, opa[1].num);
    assert(ret == 0);
    ret = fused_nn_bias_add_5(opa[2].values, opa[2].tcodes, opa[2].num);
    assert(ret == 0);
    ret = fused_nn_relu_4(opa[3].values, opa[3].tcodes, opa[3].num);
    // ...

This Runx() is similar with tvm_runtime_run() from bundle_deploy. The other functions like set_input(), get_output() is also provided in this runtime.


Once we prepare the build_model.py, host.cpp, we can simply run it and execute on Spike. The example is provided at here.



With evaluting on Spike, the only metric we can compare is instruction count for either each Ops or entire model. Thus, we compare the instruction count for the entire model between pre-quantized model with tensorization/vectorization and model in FP32. The models are downloaded from TFLite host models.

The following table shows the instruction count for the enire model :

Model name Pre-quantized with tensorization/vectorization FP32 SpeedUp
Mobilenet_v1 3763660304 804941581 4.67
Mobilenet_v2 2384447853 686688571 3.47
Inception_v3 39933768309 4909041142 8.14
Inception_v4 92224223497 10434567078 8.83

Related project


For matching with the intrinsic we designed and called in TVM, we need a LLVM which handles RISC-V P extension properly. Since there doesn’t have an official version so far. We implemented it by ourselves with v9.0.0., please refer to project in github.

RISC-V Custom Runtime (RISC-V DLR)

As mentioned before, this is still an alternative approach and optimizable (we believe it is). Our team is still working on this part for making it more flexible and clean. We’re also looking for a better idea, please leave some comments for it. As our need for evaluation is only on Spike on our devices. We didn’t consider any constraint about remote/host. Once you create an executable file from this runtime, you can immediately run it by spike to get the result(without going through OpenOCD flow). The project is open source at here. The details and the building step is described in README.

riscv-gnu-toolchain & Spike

Both binutils and Spike(riscv-isa-sim) currently don’t support the RISC-V P extension officially. Thus, we implement it and add instructions that may be used in this flow. Please refer to the project below.

Next step

We plan to collect the comments from the community and reorganize our code after, then the PR will be sent.


Thanks for the RFC! While I’m not familiar with the current RISC-V applications, I’m carious about the purpose of running Spike simulator and what would be the usual next step after it.

I also have some questions/thoughts about the implementation. In general I’m thinking if it would be better to integrate this flow via BYOC to provide more flexibility and opportunities for future hereogeneous execution.

  1. I suppose Spike is a general processor, meaning that it is supposed to be executing any operators.

  2. You mentioned to use LLVM as the backend. How does this LLVM backend overlap to the current TVM LLVM backend? Will you reuse most of it, or you almost build another backend using LLVM?

  3. I didn’t quite get the point of “since Spike doesn’t support parallel computing, we use an empty schedule for schedule_injective() , except for Ops that gonna be vectorized”. Does that mean you still have schedules for the ops that can be vectorized? If so, do we need someone to write schedules for RISC-V P on Spike in TOPI?

  4. In terms of the runtime, currently TVM graph runtime includes several modules, such as metadata module and external runtime modules (for the case of BYOC). Where would your custom runtime be?

cc @zhiics


thanks @yrchen and colleagues for the RFC! overall it’s very exciting work. a couple of thoughts

  • is your eventual target bare metal devices, or does your runtime require a kernel?
  • riscv_cpu target: in the past we had introduced a special micro_dev target for µTVM work. recently, we deprecated that in favor of llvm and c targets. then, when creating the list of candidate schedules for a given op, we (for ARM) analyze the ISA supported by the CPU in -mcpu. is it possible to do something similar with risc-v (I.e. encode the P extension in some flag -mcpu=rv32p)?
  • LLVM support for riscv P extension, and codegen: since you will need to build TVM against a forked LLVM, is it possible to use the c backend for any tests in the CI, until LLVM formally supports RISC-V P? it could be possible then to include a forked llvm compiler in one of the CI docker images, but still compile TVM against mainline LLVM. you could take a look at the GEMM impl for cortex-m7 as an example of how to do that.
  • RISC-V custom runtime: your sample host.cpp link was broken, but is it the one here? I’m also beginning to look at AOT compilation, which looks somewhat similar to your kernel.inc code (but would be generated from TVM). there are some additional considerations such as memory planning that may depend more on the device layout. do you have a full example of the kernel.inc anywhere I could look at?
  • looks like the function signatures in your DLR differ from the typically generated signature:
typedef int (*TVMBackendPackedCFunc)(TVMValue* args, int* type_codes, int num_args,
                                     TVMValue* out_ret_value, int* out_ret_tcode,
                                     void* resource_handle);

seems like the main difference between this func and DLR func is lack of out_* and resource_handle params?

  • did you try using the new µTVM RPC server-based runtime with spike? this would allow you to use the graph runtime in the TVM python binary and perform autotuning. would it be possible to use that to submit the schedules as one PR and then split any runtime changes into another? we modified the micro_tflite tutorial to demonstrate one use of that runtime.
  • I don’t quite understand your evaluation numbers. are these measured over a fixed time period? otherwise, it seems like there should be fewer instructions executed using the intrinsic for one inference run, correct?
  • what is your plan for upstreaming binutils and riscv-isa-sim work?
  • for testing in CI, would we need to build a spike docker image?

Thanks for great discussions. I agree that it would be really nice to make use of uTVM RPC runtime with spike in the place of the specifically runtime.

Thank you for the reply. We’re checking if we have any flow can try or reuse from the information you gave. Sorry for the wrong information and links in the post.

  • The link to host.cpp (also with kernel.inc)
  • In the evaluation part, the title of the table should be reversed. The one with fewer instructions is Pre-quantized with tensorization/vectorization and the other one is FP32.


Hello @yrchen,

I was wondering if you work is available in the TVM code base? I went through the codebase and couldnt find it, if its there could you point me to it? If not, will you be upstreaming your work?


Hello @cron,

Currently, we’re working on contributing our work to the upstream of related projects, including LLVM and riscv-isa-simulator(status) with P extension support. We’re planning to release our code after above projects are ready.

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hello @yrchen , I download your code on github. It is a brilliant work, but when I tried to build and run the example, I find that there is a bug in build_module.py, which is

AttributeError: module 'tvm.target' has no attribute 'riscv_cpu'

I guess you might have changed the tvm code, and I am wondering how you defined the target ‘riscv_cpu’.

Thank you!

Hey @WuZheng ,I meet the same problem,did you solve it?

still not. maybe need to change the build setting