End-to-End flow using TIR MetaSchedule and uTVM


I am trying to perform code-generation for an accelerator. I have defined a schedule and created the patterns to partition the Relay graph into the operations that are supported. These things individually work, but I don’t know how to put them together, and I can’t find any examples on how to achieve this.

I found the VTA example that defines Operator strategies, but that is integrated with AutoTVM and I want to use the MetaSchedule since I want to work directly on TIR and not TE. Is there a way for me to combine TIR Scheduling with MetaSchedule and microTVM and AOT compilation (target is baremetal) while using Relay, or do I need to move to Relax for this?

To illustrate a bit more, the compilation flow that I want to achieve is something like this:

Import PyTorch → Relay/Relax? → TIR → MetaSchedule to Optimize → Emit Code through microTVM AOT

I know this would work using TE and AutoTVM throught the TOPI integration, since this implemented already implemented for VTA, but using the newer tools is much more interesting to me :smiley: I am curious if this is feasible while staying on Relay, or if I need to move everything to the Unity branch. More specifically, something to replace register_topi_compute is what I’m interested in.

CC: @tqchen @junrushao

Hi @Necrotos ,

I am also interested in the newer tools, so I join with the same question. Been using Relay and microTVM for a while, but it would be interesting to know if there is a way of migrating this to Relax and TVM Unity.

see this post for a discussion about scheduling mechanisms(aka how to replace topi compute)

One thing that is likely still missing is a codegen layer that takes the subset of relax function and generate something that works on a limited runtime, this is a place that would need some amount of community effort. but the operator scheduling blocker can be addressed likely via above approach in a even more composable way

Thanks! The missing layer for running in embedded environments is what I was afraid would be the case. Are you aware of any ongoing work in this direction? Since I will need this anyway, I would also like to contribute to any current or future efforts.


Same here, I have colleagues interested in working on this topic, since we have been using uTVM a lot during the last years, but we would like to migrate everything to Relax.

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You can count me in as well.I am also very interested in further development of tvm for bare metal environments.