[pre-RFC][BYOC] Marvell ML/AI Accelerator Integration


Integrate Marvell’s ML/AI accelerator with TVM BYOC framework in order to bring the TVM ecosystem to Marvell customers.


Marvell MLIP is an ML/AI inference accelerator and is embedded on our ARM Neoverse N2-based OCTEON 10 processor. We are building an easy-to-use, open, software suite for our customers by integrating and utilizing TVM so that we can bring TVM capability and experience to our customers.


Based on what Marvell ML/AI inference accelerator does the best, a given pre-trained network model will be applied to a TVM-Mrvl-BYOC AOT compilation and code-gen flow as illustrated in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Overall Framework and Steps (see figures at end)

  • Follow the TVM BYOC framework and then
  • STEP (1) Run TVM-Mrvl-BYOC AOT ML Frontend Compilation and Mrvl-BYOC code-gen. The steps involved in this are:
    • Load pre-trained network (see Figure 1 above and sample Figure 2 below) into TVM IR graph
    • Do Marvell-specific layout conversions to transform IR graph in order to meet requirements of the accelerator
    • Do Marvell-specific composite-merging/fusing to transform IR graph in order to utilize available HW capability in the accelerator
    • Do additional Marvell-specific transform pass(es) to further optimize IR graph
    • Partition IR graph into one or more for-accelerator Mrvl subgraphs and/or one or more for-TVM-target non-Mrvl (e.g., ARMv9) subgraphs
      • These subgraphs cover the whole pre-trained network
      • For-accelerator Mrvl subgraph here means & contains connected, composite-fused Call nodes (see sample Figure 3 – sub-graph A) as in the given IR graph
      • For the first Marvell-BYOC revision, at most one for-accelerator Mrvl subgraph and at most one for-TVM-target non-Mrvl subgraph (see sample Figure 2 – sub-graph B) can be identified; plus, the for-accelerator Mrvl subgraph can only use input tensor(s) of given pre-trained network as its subgraph’s input tensors
    • Do code-gen step for each for-accelerator Mrvl subgraph:
      • Marvell-BYOC-specific attributes are introduced for each composite-merged/fused Call node (see sample Figure 3 – tvmgen_mrvl_main_0 to tvmgen_mrvl_main_3) so that a Nodes-JSON file and a Constants-JSON file are produced (see output JSON files being generated in STEP 1 of Figure 1 above).
  • STEP (2) Run Mrvl-ML/AI Backend Compiler to generate model binary for each Mrvl subgraph
    • The Mrvl-ML/AI backend compiler will be distributed as an executable in the OCTEON SDK; and it can be used to read in Nodes-JSON and Constants-JSON files of each Mrvl subgraph as input meta-data in order to generate final instructions, in model binary file as illustrated in Figure 1.
    • Note: Mrvl-ML/AI backend compiler, which does accelerator-specific optimization and code generation, is not included to upstream
  • STEP (3a) or (3b) Run inference on the software Simulator or on the Mrvl ML/AI HW accelerator for the Mrvl subgraph
    • The Mrvl Software Simulator of the Mrvl ML/AI HW accelerator will be distributed as an executable in a Mrvl-ML/AI tar ball; and it can be used to read in input file(s) and the model binary to run inference for the Mrvl subgraph
    • Note: Mrvl ML/AI accelerator can run inference in either float16 mode or int8 quantization mode. For this RFC, we will focus only on float16 inference run
  • STEP (4) Use TVM-llvm Compiler & Runtime to run inference
    • Perform integration steps between sub-graph(s) in order to run inference for the given pre-trained network
    • For the first Marvell-BYOC revision, at most one integration step from a for-accelerator Mrvl subgraph to a TVM-target non-Mrvl subgraph is implemented

Figure 2: Sample given, pre-trained network (see figures at end)

Figure 3: Sample for-accelerator Mrvl subgraph A, and for TVM-target non-Mrvl subgraph B (see figures at end)

Status w.r.t. Outlines of Marvell-BYOC Implementation & Verification

The status of our initial POC implementation is the following:

  • [POC ready] Cmake related changes for Marvell-BYOC code
  • [POC ready] Main Marvell-BYOC entrance APIs in tvm/python/tvm/relay/op/contrib/mrvl.py and files under the tvm/src/relay/backend/contrib/mrvl/ folder including code to:
    • Do IR transformations and optimizations
    • Identify Sub-graphs
    • Do code-gen for Marvell-ML/AI-specific nodes-JSON and constants-JSON files
  • [POC ready] tvm/tests/python/contrib/test_marvell
    • Add test MxNet ssd_resnet50, which uses Marvell-BYOC APIs to do code-gen for Nodes-JSON and Constants-JSON files
    • Add verification utilities to ensure expected JSON files are produced
    • For the Keras mobilenet_v2 test case, we notice that the relay from_keras() function does not support input tensor in NCHW format
      • Note: Currently, for the current POC Mrvl-BYOC codebase, we only support input tensor in NCHW format
  • We have installed and run local TVM Jenkins build & tests utilizing modified tvm/Jenkinsfile and scripts. We are running into a few minor issues where some test cases failed in the Python3:CPU and Python3:i386 stages. Most of them do not seem to directly relate to our Mrvl-BYOC changes but we are currently using pytest.mark.skipif(True) to skip them.
  • [12/13/2021] We have finalized our POC code changes and up-streamed as TVM github “PR-9730 [pre-RFC][BYOC] Marvell ML/AI Accelerator Integration” for the TVM community to review and run Jenkins build & tests.

Resolved/Pending PRs and/or questions – please refer to our initial POC TVM "PR-9730 [pre-RFC][BYOC] Marvell ML/AI Accelerator Integration"

  1. We have provided our pooling-related changes in PR-9235 to the TVM community, title [Op] Do not override specified layout in pooling. In this PR, user can use the new out_layout field of pooling to specify a format, which relay will take & stick to this user-specified format for pooling op. When the out_layout field of pooling is not specified, the original, relay-auto-provided infer format will take place for pooling.
  2. We have also identified a need to allow a call-back function to be registered when generating Mrvl-BYOC-specific Nodes-JSON file. We are trying to follow TVM Python/CPP-CB style as much as possible. But, since our callback function tvm/src/relay/backend/contrib/mrvl/graph_executor_codegen_mrvl.cc::GetExternalJSON() function is using non-simple argument types, we need help from TVM community to provide suggestions/guidelines in order to make new CB code better to meet TVM community requirements here.
  3. For one Mrvl-BYOC relay transformation pass, we have identified a need to inject a (global) expr node ID for the RelayExprNode class and its derived classes: Tuple and CallNode, so that during the transformation pass, we can uniquely identify each Tuple or CallNode object. Again, we need help from TVM community to provide suggestions/guidelines here in order to know whether this is one of the best ways to achieve the Mrvl-BYOC need.
  4. We also identified a need to maintain linkages between (operator-)information described in the original, given pre-trained network model and the code-gen JSON files so that the compiler backend will be able to report user-level (e.g., meaningful-to-user) messages regarding the given pre-trained network. For instance, in the tvm/python/tvm/relay/frontend/onnx.py and common.py files, we can see user-level information being captured using “tvm_custom” related code as in original onnx.py file for the given pre-trained network; but, in common.py, the code later drops the linkage, via attrs.pop(“tvm_custom”), and does not pass the linkage onto the initial relay IR graph. We have a draft solution to maintain linkages between the given pre-trained network model and its relay IR graph (using expr node ID and tvm custom ID, plus, a few utility functions), but would like to know whether the TVM community has any better or work-in-progress resolution.
  5. We ran into one minor issue and have made enhancement so that, when using TVM RPC code, it is useful for the RPC client to send a file to the remote server and to know where the remote server saves the file on the remote machine. Since this is not directly related to this Mrvl-BYOC PR, we will find time to contribute this enhance back in another TVM PR soon.
  6. In order for us to generate the constants-JSON file, we must “NOT” remove external params, which were stored in metadata module, in the BuildRelay() function defined in the tvm/src/relay/backend/build_module.cc file. Currently, we are using the CPP directive: #ifndef TVM_USE_MRVL to achieve the not-removal requirement for the Mrvl-BYOC flow when config.cmake has USE_MRVL ON. We are not sure whether there are side effects due to not removing external params in the BuildRelay() function. Are there any other (better) resolution regarding this matter?
    • We also wonder whether this tests/python/relay/test_external_codegen.py test suite’s test case, test_load_params_with_constants_in_ext_codegen(), needs to be pytest.mark.skipif( True if USE_MRVL is ON)?
  7. We are also working on a Mrvl Bring-You-Own-Quantization-Int8 flow under the tvm/python/tvm/relay/quantize/contrib/mrvl folder. When we have a solid POC codebase, we will start to communicate with the TVM Community.
  8. Since we are new to the TVM community, please let us know whether and when we should also upstream our POC implementation as a TVM github PR so that we can explain our descriptions above more clearly by pointing to specific POC code file(s) and examples in discussions.



Since this pre-RFC there have been a lot of updates to our design. We will be sending out an updated pre-RFC proposal soon for review from the community.

Once we have an updated pre-RFC proposal we will create a new thread and update the link to that here as well.
