Win+GitBash: The directory content, after tvm-build env conda activation, is totally wrong


I am using git bash on Windows. The directory content, after tvm-build env conda activation, is totally wrong. Anyone, who is using git bash on Windows, encounter the same situation below?

I am under the tvm source directly to create conda build env and activate the env, but when I activate the tvm-build env, the content of my current path seems to be the content of location where git-bash.exe is located, only when I deactivate the env and back to “base” env, the content of current directly come back to correct tvm content… Any idea?

…/tvm (main) $ conda env create --file conda/build-environment.yaml

Preparing transaction: …working… done

Verifying transaction: …working… done

Executing transaction: …working… menuinst called from non-root env


$ conda activate tvm-build

(tvm-build) $ ls

LICENSE.txt ReleaseNotes.html bin/ build/ cmd/ dev/ etc/ git-bash.exe* git-cmd.exe* mingw64/ proc/ tmp/ unins000.dat unins000.exe* unins000.msg usr/


[Still the path of TVM source code, but above content is totally not from TVM source code directory]

$ conda deactivate

$ ls

3rdparty/ LICENSE build/ cmake/ configs/ docker/ gallery/ include/ licenses/ pyproject.toml resnet50-v2-7.onnx src/ web/ CMakeLists.txt KEYS Makefile NOTICE apps/ ci/ conda/ docs/ golang/ jvm/ mypy.ini python/ rust/ tests/ vta/

Does any one use gitbash on windows, and encounter a same issue? Thanks.