Wildcard pattern matching with variable number and types of operators

Hi I am beginner to TVM pattern matching. I want to do pattern matching based on some fixed nodes , where there can be variable number of nodes with any types in between these fixed nodes. i.e CONV … op_1 … op_2 …op_n … Relu … op_1 … op_2 … op_m …Add . How should I identify these kind of pattern ?


   def test1_wildcard(): 
        x = relay.var("x")
        w = relay.var("w")
        n6 = relay.op.nn.conv2d(x, w)  # matches P
        n7 = relay.op.tanh(n6)
        n7 = relay.op.nn.relu(n7)
        n7 = relay.op.nn.leaky_relu(n7)
        n8 = relay.op.add(n7, w)
        patt = is_op("nn.conv2d")(wildcard(), wildcard())
        patt = wildcard()(patt)
        patt = is_op("add")(patt, wildcard())
        assert patt.match(n8) # Not matched.
        P = is_op("nn.conv2d")(wildcard(), wildcard())
        I = wildcard()(P)
        C = is_op("add")(wildcard(), wildcard())
        patt = dominates(P, I, C)
        return patt.match(n8) # Not matched

I am aware that i can use optional for op1 , op2 but in advance i might not know the count and types of these in between ops?

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