Beginner level hello world level execution on zephyr (nrf5340dk board) worked for me. Host-driven, graph execution mode worked. I want to progress and run AOT, Standalone option of running model in zephyr nrf5340dk board. In this regard I have below questions to setup my environment. I want to run apps/microtvm/zephyr-cmsisnn first to set the ground.
- Which TVM version to use? I’m looking for a working version, not necessarily a release candidate. I use the main branch of
- What are the associated softwares are to be used? What are the versions of those softwares? What are the patches to be applied on top? For e.g., I cloned . I installed CMSIS as per the instructions vm/gallery/how_to/work_with_microtvm/install_cmsis.rst. Hit some errors and followed instructions as per this based on google search to resolve the problem: [GitHub] [tvm] mehrdadh commented on issue #13856: [Bug] CMSIS-NN BYOC fails with Zephyr 3.2 still hitting errors.
- What are the mandatory options to be turned on in config.cmake to make this work? I have made these on. Is this correct? set(USE_MICRO ON) set(USE_RPC ON) set(USE_CPP_RPC ON) set(USE_CPP_RTVM ON) set(USE_STACKVM_RUNTIME ON) set(USE_GRAPH_EXECUTOR ON) set(USE_GRAPH_EXECUTOR_CUDA_GRAPH ON) set(USE_PIPELINE_EXECUTOR ON) set(USE_PROFILER ON) set(USE_MICRO_STANDALONE_RUNTIME ON) set(USE_LLVM ON) set(USE_ETHOSU ON) set(USE_CMSISNN ON) set(USE_RELAY_DEBUG ON) set(USE_TARGET_ONNX OFF) set(BACKTRACE_ON_SEGFAULT ON) set(SUMMARIZE ON)
- I tried to run tvm/apps/microtvm/ethosu and tvm/apps/microtvm/zephyr_cmsisnn/ . Both are failing to run.
- I tried docker options. Except for ci_cpu all other docker builds I tried (gpu one and docs one) failed.
- BTW, when to use unity branch?
Please support with some learning guidelines I can follow to achieve my goal of running apps/microtvm/zephyr_cmsisnn . From there I’ll progress towards running my model in nrf5340dk board.
Thank you, Vimala