Hi all,
I started a new weekly format for the TVM Community Meetings about a month ago. In this format, we continue to meet over Zoom, but:
- we change the cadence to a weekly meeting on Wednesdays
- require folks to include a discuss forum or PR link when proposing discussion topics
- and cancel the meeting the day before if no discussion topics were proposed
Initially I figured this meeting may not be so regular, but there is enough ongoing development in TVM that we’ve managed to fill topics each week. In order to spread the workload of hosting these meetings, and ensure that we could still have them should I be on vacation one week, I’d like to start establishing some roles here and ask the community if folks are interested in helping.
Here are the roles I envision:
Meeting Host. The meeting host is responsible for:
- posting the Discuss forum announcement and determining whether the agenda merits a meeting
- managing the Zoom meeting on the day of
- starting the meeting, reading through the agenda items and ensuring there is time to cover each topic
- recording the meeting and ensuring the recording is posted
Note-taker. As an Apache project, we make all decisions in writing, and therefore we take notes on the discussion and attach them to the Discuss or PR link included with the agenda. The note-taker is responsible for:
- summarizing the meeting discussion
- attaching notes to the correct forum topic or to the meeting invite post
- filling in any missing notes from the recording
The ideal note-taker is someone involved enough with a topic to understand the discussion, but not someone who needs to actively participate in discussion for more than a few minutes (it’s hard to take notes and talk at the same time).
Please let me know if you’re interested in either of these roles by replying to this forum topic!
Thanks, Andrew