Unprofessional language in documentation


Please refrain from using “whatever” which sounds like a snarky teenager.

Usually I see example paths given, perhaps even a few possible file extension types.

Please go through the documentation to upgrade it to a professional level.


You might be surprised by the occurrence of “whatever”:

Contribution and any kind of help is always welcomed in any community project.

I don’t think finding usages of the word “whatever” justifies its use in tvm documentation. Even if you compare the two samples you provided, the LLVM documentation provides more context around the word so it doesn’t come across like “I’m smarter than you figure it out” that Linus Torvalds has been accused of in the past. So emulating his style of communication is probably not conducive to creating a welcoming community as you claim this to be a community project.

It’s being used as something that’s clearly a placeholder, so I wouldn’t call it an unprofessional usage or especially bothersome. However, you are welcome to make a PR to change it and I would not oppose it.

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