[Unity] Redundant argument in the tir.Buffer.vload()

tvm/python/tvm/tir/buffer.py at unity · apache/tvm (github.com)

in tir/buffer.py, Buffer.vload(begin, dtype=None) function, the dtype is redundant. as no testing case has used the dtype arg, and according to the .cc implement, the dtype must equal to buffer it’s self dtype, as follows:

        PrimExpr Buffer::vload(Array<PrimExpr> begin, DataType value_dtype) const {
      // specially handle bool, stored as DataType::Int(8)
      const BufferNode* n = operator->();
      ICHECK(n != nullptr);
      ICHECK(value_dtype.element_of() == n->dtype.element_of() &&
             value_dtype.lanes() % n->dtype.lanes() == 0)
          << "Cannot load " << value_dtype << " from buffer of " << n->dtype;

      Array<PrimExpr> indices = begin;
      int factor = value_dtype.lanes() / n->dtype.lanes();
      if (factor > 1) {
        indices.Set(indices.size() - 1, Ramp(indices[indices.size() - 1], 1, factor));
      return BufferLoad(*this, indices);

I guess the designer’s intention should be to change the access to the buffer by passing in the dtype,but may forgot the python side’ code.