Hi all,
Our next meeting will take place at 11:30 AM PDT on Sep 12th.
Current Agenda:
- Liveness analysis implementation: https://github.com/apache/tvm/pull/15689
- Does this seem like a reasonable approach?
- Are the data structures clear and useful?
- Order of shape variable bindings in a function signature: https://github.com/apache/tvm/pull/15577
- Should we permit the bindings to be given out of order?
- Does the implementation support this at present?
- Fixpoint simplification: https://github.com/apache/tvm/pull/15474
- Is this an acceptable approach?
Please add topics to the agenda that you would like to discuss
You can find previous meeting notes and recordings here: Apache TVM Relax open development meeting , and join the meeting at https://octoml-ai.zoom.us/j/85495687837?pwd=M2FJVzFUbTBJeHVCNTRiL3k1ek9xUT09
Looking forward to seeing you there!