Our next meeting will take place at 5:00pm PST on Nov. 14, 2023. Please note that @yongwww and I will be taking over hosting from now on, and welcome other volunteers who would like to host meetings (let’s thank @psrivas2 and @sunggg for hosting meetings thus far).
The agenda for the meeting will be as follows:
- Priorities and any possible format changes for future development meetings
operators: [DISCUSS] Default Compilation Flow for Scan and Sort - Operator-specific normalization (
Others are welcome to add further topics to the agenda.
You can find previous meeting notes and recordings here, and join the meeting at https://octoml-ai.zoom.us/j/85495687837?pwd=M2FJVzFUbTBJeHVCNTRiL3k1ek9xUT09