Hi all,
Our next meeting will take place at 6:00PM PDT (9:00 AM China, 6:30 AM India, 1:00 AM GMT) on July 25th. This will be another vertical meeting focused on Large-language models (LLM) that we announced previously (see link).
Current Agenda:
- @tqchen @junrushao @spectrometerHBH @yzh119 @MasterJH5574 will share the exciting updates on MLC-LLM and Llama 2.
- @masahi will present the performance optimization of llama family on cuda.
Please add topics to the agenda that you would like to discuss
You can find previous meeting notes and recordings here: Apache TVM Relax open development meeting , and join the meeting at https://octoml-ai.zoom.us/j/84450540157?pwd=L2h2SStjWTc1bGU0YS9UZk9KVnptUT09 .
Looking forward to seeing you!