[Unity] Open Dev Meeting Aug 1st, 2023

Hi all,

Our next meeting will take place at 11:30 AM PDT on August 1st, 2023.

Current Agenda:

Please add topics to the agenda that you would like to discuss

You can find previous meeting notes and recordings here: Apache TVM Unity Open Development meeting, and join the meeting at https://octoml-ai.zoom.us/j/85495687837?pwd=M2FJVzFUbTBJeHVCNTRiL3k1ek9xUT09

Looking forward to seeing you!

Recording: https://octoml-ai.zoom.us/rec/share/mrX1W2ff0JJBs7MbycvF29AIHyMLP1OHdR0IC8yGusNaLh9UXnwdcsU6DCIIH_Wn.CvPGV9Iq_gMvJMfl

Passcode: @B6sQ=6B

Hello, the password seems to be wrong. can you give me a right one? thank you !

I’m able to access the recording with this password. Everything including the first β€œ@” is also part of the password, in case that might have been mistaken.

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sorry. It’s ok now. Maybe I made some mistake yesterday