One recent take we have is to start focusing on a clean modular compiler that have the following properties.
- Bring models into an IRModule that contains both relax and tensor program functions.
- Enable customizable pipelines that rewrites the graph, partial lowering of operators.
- Empower downstream projects to add necessary customizations on any part of the compiler pipeline, maintaining performance.
As of now we have streamlined the approach for relax. It is good to revisit how we can think the overall project wholsitic and capture the lessons we have in the past. The overall goal include:
G0: Python first development
- Every everyone to customize the compilation pipeline and build on top by copy-past editing in python.
- Clear first class roundtrippable IR that embeds as pythonic DSL at every stage.
- G1: Universal deploy experience with full coverage It is important for the final execution to cover all features by default when possible enabled through runtime (aka Tuple, Function, NDArray). The API should feel the same across python and possibly non-python env.
- G2: Streamlined experience with right expectations Although there are many ways to customize, have one clear streamlined flow that everyone can follow.
The expectations is that we cannot develop compilers for all expected use-cases, but still would like to provide a meaningful basis that we can iterate, customize, and build on top.
Proposed API
Based on these goals, let us use the following API
class Executable:
"""The executable object emitted by the tvm.compile"""
def jit(
self, fcompile=None, addons=None, **kwargs
) -> tvm.runtime.Module:
"""Just-in-time compile and link the modules.
The Executable returned by tvm.compile may not be directly
runnable as they may contain cuda source files and objects that
are yet to be compiled and linked.
if self._jitted_mod is None:
# run jit
return self._jitted_mod
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self.jit()[name]
def export_library(
file_name: str,
fcompile: Optional[Union[str, callable]] = None,
workspace_dir: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Any:
"""Export the executable to a library which can then be loaded back.
mod: IRModule ,
target: Optional[Target] = None,
relax_pipeline: Optional[Union[Pass, Callable, "auto"]]="auto",
tir_pipeline: Optional[Union[Pass, Callable, "auto"]]="auto",
system_lib_prefix: Optional[str]=None
) -> runtime.Executable:
"""Compile a ir module into runtime module
Input IRModule
The target we are interested in. For multi-target build,
target can be directly annotated inside the IRModule.
The pipeline we are interested in applying for relax functions.
User can pass in None to indicate a minimum build,
in such case the users are expected to run passes before hand.
"auto" mode will pick the target dependent pipeline based on
target setup.
The pipeline we are interested in applying for tir functions.
User can pass in None to indicate a minimum build,
and in such case users are expected to run passes before hand.
"auto" mode will pick the target dependent pipeline based on
target setup.
Provide the prefix to trigger a system lib build
with particular prefix key. Used for bundling libraries into
the target system lib like wasm.
# pesudo logic
if contains_relax(mod):
# will call into run_tir_build inside
mod, target,
return, target, tir_pipeline=tir_pipeline)
def example():
class MyModule:
def add_one(
X: T.Buffer((4,), "float32"),
Y: T.Buffer((4,), "float32")
for i in range(4):
Y[i] = X[i] + 1
def main(x: R.Tensor((4, ), "float32")):
cls = MyModule
with R.dataflow():
y = R.call_tir(cls.add_one, [x], R.Tensor((4,), "float32"))
return y
# jit can be skipped as it can be performed automatically once
# user start to access the function via getitem
lib = tvm.compile(MyModule, "llvm")
x = tvm.nd.array(np.arange(4, dtype="float32"))
y = tvm.nd.empty(4, dtype="float32")
# each function in module maps to a function at runtime
# can directly access TIR function)
lib["add_one"](x, y)
# if we would like to access the relax function, wrap an executor
vm = tvm.runtime.Executor(lib, tvm.cpu())
# the public TIR function continues to be accessible
vm["add_one"](x, y)
The key takes include:
- G0: All passes and compilation, include tir passes constructed through python to enable customization and possibly debug.
- G1: At runtime, there is a one to one mapping between function in MyModule(the script form) and function can be accessed through runtime. The signature maps to the function signature of the result function. The same experience across runtimes
- TIR functions can be immediately accessed
- high-level relax function requires an executor with list of devices to be created before accessing them
- G2: tvm.compile as unified function to for all compilation flows, include tir and relax functions. All external usage and tutorials are built round of the tvm.compile
General Executor Interface and Partial Graph AOT
As of now relax VM is being used as the single point for backing the executor the high-level relax functions, mainly for its full coverage. One valid question is to ask what about about other possible alternatives. First of all, the executable export mechanism still enables building other potential mechanism of executions with a general rule of thumb:
- For model executable, they can expose a
function that takes a list of devices and return a runtime.Module with necessary functions
For cases where we would still like to further compile the extra steps to think about cost reduction, we can do partial graph AOT inside the current programming model
class Before:
def main(x: R.Tensor((4, ), "float32")):
cls = MyModule
v0 = alloc_storage()
v1 = alloc_storage()
v2 = alloc_storage()
cls.tir_fn1(x, v0)
cls.tir_fn2(v0, v1)
cls.tir_fn3(v1, v2)
return v2
class After:
def graph_init():
v0 = alloc_storage()
v1 = alloc_storage()
v2 = alloc_storage()
return (v0, v1, v2)
def main(x: R.Tensor((4,), "float32")):
cls = MyModule
# storage is created once and kept aorund
storage_set = R.call_packed(
"alloc_cached_storage_set", cls.graph_init,
# need to enhance the TIR PackedFunc to natively handle
# runtime.Array to access element
# near zero overhead in calling
# most cost inside can be optimized away
cls.partial_graph_aot_fn1_fn2_fn3(x, storage_set)
return v2
Partial graph AOT means the VM can still be used for allocation and caching which needs more advanced hanlding, while the general execution steps after allocation can be handled through tir which generally do not do any allocation.
This way allows us to gradually move part of the graph into more compiled mode if necessary. However, as of now relax vm itself is performant enough for most cases, and for GPU runtimes we have CUDAGraph to handle the specific cases. So partial graph AOT mainly serves as a guideline for potential future needs.
Notably, once the model is in near partial graph AOT form, the product likely can be consumed by downstream project to create more stripped downed version that manually does storage allocation and execution separately if needed.