TVMError when printing IR from a pytorch loaded model

I get an exception when printing an IR from a pytorch imported model with keep_params_as_input=True, the error doesn’t happen with the default False value. I am running an updated version of unity - as of yesterday.

Happy to file an issue if needed.

Here is a minimal example:

class TorchNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.flatten = nn.Flatten()
        self.linear_relu_stack = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(28, 512, bias=False),

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.flatten(x)
        logits = self.linear_relu_stack(x)
        return logits

network = TorchNN()
traced_network = fx.symbolic_trace(network)
input_shape = (1, 28, 28)
input_dtype = "float"
input_info = [(input_shape, input_dtype)]
mod = relax.frontend.torch.from_fx(traced_network, input_info, keep_params_as_input=True)


[11:07:25] /tvm/include/tvm/script/printer/ir_docsifier_functor.h:72: Warning: ObjectFunctor calls un-registered function on type: runtime.NDArray (token: relax). ObjectType: runtime.NDArray. Object: runtime.NDArray(0x600003a38f00)
TVMError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[254], line 1
----> 1

File /tvm/python/tvm/runtime/, in, style, black_format, name, show_meta, ir_prefix, tir_prefix, relax_prefix, module_alias, buffer_dtype, int_dtype, float_dtype, verbose_expr, indent_spaces, print_line_numbers, num_context_lines, syntax_sugar, path_to_underline, path_to_annotate, obj_to_underline, obj_to_annotate)
    276 """A sugar for print highlighted TVM script.
    278 Parameters
    321     Object to be annotated
    322 """
    323 from tvm.script.highlight import (  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    324     cprint,
    325 )
    327 cprint(
--> 328     self.script(
    329         name=name,
    330         show_meta=show_meta,
    331         ir_prefix=ir_prefix,
    332         tir_prefix=tir_prefix,
    333         relax_prefix=relax_prefix,
    334         module_alias=module_alias,
    335         buffer_dtype=buffer_dtype,
    336         int_dtype=int_dtype,
    337         float_dtype=float_dtype,
    338         verbose_expr=verbose_expr,
    339         indent_spaces=indent_spaces,
    340         print_line_numbers=print_line_numbers,
    341         num_context_lines=num_context_lines,
    342         syntax_sugar=syntax_sugar,
    343         path_to_underline=path_to_underline,
    344         path_to_annotate=path_to_annotate,
    345         obj_to_underline=obj_to_underline,
    346         obj_to_annotate=obj_to_annotate,
    347     ),
    348     style=style,
    349     black_format=black_format,
    350 )

File /tvm/python/tvm/runtime/, in Scriptable.script(self, name, show_meta, ir_prefix, tir_prefix, relax_prefix, module_alias, buffer_dtype, int_dtype, float_dtype, verbose_expr, indent_spaces, print_line_numbers, num_context_lines, syntax_sugar, path_to_underline, path_to_annotate, obj_to_underline, obj_to_annotate)
    113 def script(
    114     self,
    115     *,
    133     obj_to_annotate: Optional[Dict[Object, str]] = None,
    134 ) -> str:
    135     """Print TVM IR into TVMScript text format
    137     Parameters
    180         The TVM Script of the given TVM IR
    181     """
--> 182     return _script(
    183         self,
    184         PrinterConfig(
    185             name=name,
    186             show_meta=show_meta,
    187             ir_prefix=ir_prefix,
    188             tir_prefix=tir_prefix,
    189             relax_prefix=relax_prefix,
    190             module_alias=module_alias,
    191             buffer_dtype=buffer_dtype,
    192             int_dtype=int_dtype,
    193             float_dtype=float_dtype,
    194             verbose_expr=verbose_expr,
    195             indent_spaces=indent_spaces,
    196             print_line_numbers=print_line_numbers,
    197             num_context_lines=num_context_lines,
    198             syntax_sugar=syntax_sugar,
    199             path_to_underline=path_to_underline,
    200             path_to_annotate=path_to_annotate,
    201             obj_to_underline=obj_to_underline,
    202             obj_to_annotate=obj_to_annotate,
    203         ),
    204     )

File /tvm/python/tvm/runtime/, in _script(obj, config)
    101 def _script(obj: Object, config: PrinterConfig) -> str:
--> 102     return _ffi_node_api.TVMScriptPrinterScript(obj, config)

File /tvm/python/tvm/_ffi/_ctypes/, in PackedFuncBase.__call__(self, *args)
    226 ret_tcode = ctypes.c_int()
    227 if (
    228     _LIB.TVMFuncCall(
    229         self.handle,
   236     != 0
    237 ):
--> 238     raise get_last_ffi_error()
    239 _ = temp_args
    240 _ = args

TVMError: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tvm/include/tvm/script/printer/ir_docsifier_functor.h", line 75
An error occurred during the execution of TVM.
For more information, please see:
  Check failed: (false) is false: ObjectFunctor calls un-registered function on type: runtime.NDArray (token: relax). ObjectType: runtime.NDArray. Object: runtime.NDArray(0x600003a38f00)