[TVM Unity] Relax Open Dev Meeting Jan 31

Hi all,

It’s exciting to see a unity branch being established to land and further the development around TVM Unity in the apache/tvm repo. For more information, please see Establish TVM Unity Branch.

We have been hosting weekly Relax Open Development meetings since late 2021 and it’s time to share this with the entire TVM community. The meetings are held every Tuesday, rotating between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Pacific Time. If you’re interested, feel free to add the meeting to your calendar.

Our next meeting will take place at 9:00 AM PST (5:00 PM GMT) on January 31st. The agenda for this meeting includes the following topics:

  1. Language specification for PrimValue/PrimType.
  2. Decide whether to rebase or merge going forward (discussion thread: https://github.com/tlc-pack/relax/issues/371).

You can find the agenda here: Apache TVM Relax open development meeting - Google Docs, and join the meeting at https://octoml-ai.zoom.us/j/84450540157?pwd=L2h2SStjWTc1bGU0YS9UZk9KVnptUT09. If there are any topics you would like to see discussed in future meetings, feel free to add them to the agenda.


Thakns @yuchenj for sharing, it has been great participating and looking forward to bring more of unity development to the community together.