[TVM Unity] Relax Open Dev Meeting Feb 7

Hi all,

Our next meeting will take place at 5:00 PM PST (9:00 AM China, 6:30 AM India, 1:00 AM GMT) on Feb 7.


You can find the agenda and previous recordings here: Apache TVM Relax open development meeting - Google Docs, and join the meeting at https://octoml-ai.zoom.us/j/84450540157?pwd=L2h2SStjWTc1bGU0YS9UZk9KVnptUT09. If there are any topics you would like to see discussed in future meetings, feel free to add them to the agenda.

Looking forward to seeing you!


Thanks for the announce. Just a small correction though. The India time is actually 6:30 AM, not 18:30 (6:30 PM).

Thank you @sanirudh for the correction! Updated! :slight_smile:

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Given the time in India is less friendly to night guys, do we release video records of the meeting in this thread?


Of course, we will do it for every meeting.


Link to the recording of the meeting today: Relax meeting Feb 7 (passcode: d@70dQLh).

Thanks Yixin and Chaofan for presenting their impressive work on Relax training. The discussion regarding Tracking Purity in Relax is rescheduled for next week.