[TVM Unity] Got NCCL Error while using CUDA, CUDNN and NCCL for multi-GPU processing

I got an error while using init_ccl() in di.ThreadedSession. Here is my code for MLP sharding. init_ccl() do not throw error when the devices which be passed into the init_ccl() is an empty List. Please help and thanks for helping :slight_smile: .

import os

from tvm.script.parser import ir as I, relax as R, tir as T
from tvm import dlight
from tvm import relax
import tvm
from tvm.target.target import Target, cuda
import tvm.exec.disco_worker
import tvm.runtime.disco as di
from tvm._ffi.registry import list_global_func_names, get_global_func, register_func, register_object
from tvm.runtime.container import ShapeTuple
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
import numpy as np

class MLP:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    def main(
        x: R.Tensor((128, 128), "float32"),
        W1: R.Tensor((128, 128), "float32"),
        W2: R.Tensor((128, 128), "float32"),
    ) -> R.Tensor((128, 128), "float32"):
        R.func_attr({"global_symbol": "main"})
        with R.dataflow():
            lv0: R.Tensor((128, 128), "float32") = R.matmul(x, W1)
            lv1: R.Tensor((128, 128), "float32") = R.nn.gelu(lv0)
            lv2: R.Tensor((128, 128), "float32") = R.matmul(lv1, W2)
        return lv2
class ShardedMLP:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    def main(
        x: R.Tensor((128, 128), "float32"),
        W1: R.Tensor((128, 64), "float32"),  # shard along axis 1
        W2: R.Tensor((64, 128), "float32"),  # shard along axis 0
    ) -> R.Tensor((128, 128), "float32"):
        R.func_attr({"global_symbol": "main"})
        with R.dataflow():
            broadcast_x: R.Tensor((128, 128), "float32") = R.ccl.broadcast_from_worker0(x)
            lv0: R.Tensor((128, 64), "float32") = R.matmul(broadcast_x, W1)
            lv1: R.Tensor((128, 64), "float32") = R.nn.gelu(lv0)
            lv2: R.Tensor((128, 128), "float32") = R.matmul(lv1, W2)
            lv3: R.Tensor((128, 128), "float32") = R.ccl.allreduce(lv2, "sum")
        return lv3
def create_device_target(ccl):
    if ccl == "nccl":
        dev = tvm.cuda(0)
        dev = tvm.rocm(0)
    target = tvm.target.Target.from_device(dev)
    return (dev, target)

def relax_build(mod, target):
    with target:
        mod = relax.get_pipeline("zero")(mod)  # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
        mod = dlight.ApplyDefaultSchedule(  # pylint: disable=not-callable
        return relax.build(mod, target=target)

target = Target(target=cuda(options=["-arch=sm_89"]), host="llvm")
# mod = MLP
mod = ShardedMLP
mod = relax.distributed.transform.PropagateSharding()(mod)
mod = relax.distributed.transform.LowerDistIR()(mod)
relax_build(mod, target).export_library("data/mod.so")
shape = (128, 128)
devices = [x for x in range(1)]
sess = di.ThreadedSession(num_workers=len(devices))
# sess = di.ProcessSession(num_workers=len(devices), entrypoint="nccl_process")   # entrypoint="python's module name"
sess.init_ccl("nccl", *devices)  # ERROR
# exec = sess.load_vm_module("data/mod.so", device=tvm.cuda(0))
exec = sess.load_vm_module("data/mod.so")
print(Fore.GREEN + "[S] Load mod.so" + Fore.RESET)

# np.random.seed(0)
# x_np = np.random.randn(128, 128).astype("float32")
# A_np = np.random.randn(128, 128).astype("float32")
# B_np = np.random.randn(128, 128).astype("float32")

# ---------- Use this if not using sharding ----------
# x = sess.empty((128, 128), "float32", device=tvm.cuda(0))
# A = sess.empty((128, 128), "float32", device=tvm.cuda(0))
# B = sess.empty((128, 128), "float32", device=tvm.cuda(0))
# x = sess.empty((128, 128), "float32")
# A = sess.empty((128, 128), "float32")
# B = sess.empty((128, 128), "float32")

# ---------- Use this if using sharding ----------
x = sess.empty((128, 128), "float32")
A = sess.empty((128, 64), "float32")
B = sess.empty((64, 128), "float32")
# x = sess.empty((128, 128), "float32", device=tvm.cuda(0))
# A = sess.empty((128, 64), "float32", device=tvm.cuda(0))
# B = sess.empty((64, 128), "float32", device=tvm.cuda(0))

# x.debug_copy_from(0, x_np)
# A.debug_copy_from(0, A_np)
# B.debug_copy_from(0, B_np)

while True:
    res_dist = exec["main"](x, A, B)
    print(Fore.GREEN + "[S] Execute funtion" + Fore.RESET)
    # res_dev = tvm.nd.empty((128, 128), "float32", device=tvm.cpu(0))
    # sess.copy_from_worker_0(res_dev, res_dist)
    # sess.sync_worker_0()
    # res_dev = res_dev.numpy()
    # print(Fore.BLUE + "[P] Print numpy result" + Fore.RESET)
    # print(res_dev)

The error message occurred on sess.init_ccl("nccl", *devices) is below.

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'tvm::runtime::InternalError'
  what():  [09:36:35] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm-unity/src/runtime/disco/nccl/nccl.cc:196: ncclErrror: internal error - please report this issue to the NCCL developers
Stack trace:
  0: tvm::runtime::nccl::InitCCLPerWorker(tvm::runtime::ShapeTuple, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)
        at /home/myhome/workspace/tvm-unity/src/runtime/disco/nccl/nccl.cc:178
  1: tvm::runtime::DiscoWorker::Impl::CallPacked(tvm::runtime::DiscoWorker*, long, tvm::runtime::PackedFunc, tvm::runtime::TVMArgs const&)
        at /home/myhome/workspace/tvm-unity/src/runtime/disco/disco_worker.cc:193
  2: tvm::runtime::DiscoWorker::Impl::MainLoop(tvm::runtime::DiscoWorker*)
        at /home/myhome/workspace/tvm-unity/src/runtime/disco/disco_worker.cc:81
  3: 0x00007f61f0edc252
  4: start_thread
        at ./nptl/pthread_create.c:442
  5: 0x00007f628792684f
        at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone3.S:81
  6: 0xffffffffffffffff


  • CPU: Intel x86_64, 48 cores
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 × 2
  • CUDA Toolkits: Information from nvidia-smi:
    • NVIDIA-SMI 535.146.02
    • Driver Version: 535.146.02
    • CUDA Version: 12.2
  • CUDNN: version 12.2
  • NCCL (build from source):version 2.19.4

TVM Unity is built from here.

cc @junrushao as the disco author

You may want to add a check here to safe guard the InitCCL call

@junrushao Thanks for your apply. I check the InitCCL and there is no problem on line 165. I enable debug information display by set(USE_RELAY_DEBUG ON) in tvm/build/config.cmake and run Python script with environment variable TVM_LOG_DEBUG=1 python main.py. The error messages are below:

(py310) myhome@test:~/workspace/tvm-learn$ TVM_LOG_DEBUG=1 python try.py 
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
[14:29:06] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/arith/int_set.cc:527: Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call
> /home/myhome/workspace/tvm-learn/try.py(141)<module>()
-> sess.init_ccl("nccl", *devices)
(Pdb) n
[14:29:11] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/runtime/disco/nccl/nccl.cc:166: Initializing nccl with devices: [0]
> /home/myhome/workspace/tvm-learn/try.py(143)<module>()
-> exec = sess.load_vm_module("data/mod.so")
(Pdb) terminate called after throwing an instance of 'tvm::runtime::InternalError'
  what():  [14:29:12] /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/runtime/disco/nccl/nccl.cc:196: ncclErrror: internal error - please report this issue to the NCCL developers
Stack trace:
  0: tvm::runtime::nccl::InitCCLPerWorker(tvm::runtime::ShapeTuple, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)
        at /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/runtime/disco/nccl/nccl.cc:178
  1: tvm::runtime::DiscoWorker::Impl::CallPacked(tvm::runtime::DiscoWorker*, long, tvm::runtime::PackedFunc, tvm::runtime::TVMArgs const&)
        at /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/runtime/disco/disco_worker.cc:193
  2: tvm::runtime::DiscoWorker::Impl::MainLoop(tvm::runtime::DiscoWorker*)
        at /home/myhome/workspace/tvm/src/runtime/disco/disco_worker.cc:81
  3: 0x00007feda36dc252
  4: start_thread
        at ./nptl/pthread_create.c:442
  5: 0x00007fee3a12684f
        at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone3.S:81
  6: 0xffffffffffffffff

Aborted (core dumped)

How did you solve this issue (Warning: cannot evaluate set type tir.Call), I have the same problem with my code?

You might want to set some environment variables for debugging. For more use cases of NCCL environment variables, see Environment Variables — NCCL 2.20.3 documentation. For other environment variables, such as CUDA, please check the related websites.

# ---------- NCCL DEBUG ---------- #
# VERSION - Prints the NCCL version at the start of the program.
# WARN - Prints an explicit error message whenever any NCCL call errors out.
# INFO - Prints debug information
# TRACE - Prints replayable trace information on every call.

# ---------- CUDA ---------- #
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3  # Not related to enrich debug infomation.

# ---------- TVM ---------- #
# export TVM_BACKTRACE=1

# DEFAULT=1, DEFAULT=2, DEFAULT=3, ... Set higher for more information.
# export TVM_LOG_DEBUG=1

export TVM_EXECUTOR="graph"  # Not related to enrich debug infomation.

Currently, I have not solved this issue yet.

Hi, how did you manage to get TVM compiled with NCCL?

I have set USE_NCCL to /nccl/build, but I get an error when I run make in TVM’s build folder: tvm/src/runtime/disco/nccl/nccl_context.h:37:10: fatal error: nccl.h: No such file or directory

Hi @fPecc ,

Here is my shell script for installing NCCL. The prerequisites are that CUDA Toolkits and cuDNN have already been installed. Modify the environment variables as needed. NVCC_GENCODE should be modified according to your Nvidia GPU’s architecture.

#!/bin/bash ./install_nccl.sh

# ---------- Environment Variables ----------
export WORKSPACE=~/workspace
export NVCC_GENCODE="-gencode=arch=compute_89,code=sm_89"
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda

# ---------- Initialize ----------
mkdir -p $WORKSPACE
MAKE_THREAD="$(expr "$(nproc)" - 1)"

git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/nccl.git && cd nccl

# ---------- Build Codes (by `make`) ----------
make -j $MAKE_THREAD pkg.debian.build
cd ext-net/example
make -j $MAKE_THREAD  # libnccl-net.so is created.
cd ../..  # To project's root.
cd ext-tuner/example
make -j $MAKE_THREAD  # libnccl-tuner.so is created.
cd ../..  # To project's root.
cd ext-net/google-fastsocket
make -j $MAKE_THREAD  # libnccl-net.so is created.
cd ../..  # To project's root.

# ---------- Install NCCL ----------
if [ $USE_FAST_SOCKET = "TRUE" ]; then
    sudo cp -v ext-net/google-fastsocket/libnccl-net.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnccl-net.so
    sudo cp -v ext-net/example/libnccl-net.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnccl-net.so
sudo cp -v ext-tuner/example/libnccl-tuner.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnccl-tuner.so

Hope it’s helpful.

Thanks for the help @Jack8086 ! Now the make command on TVM’s build directory finds nccl correctly!

I leave it here in case this is usefull for someone: because I have multiple CUDA version in my machine, I had to add set(CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES 86) to TVM’s config.cmake.