TVM transform passes speed issues


I was trying to run standard TVM transformation passes on Resnet101 model and instrument the time taken during those passes.

Here is the code used for testing

import tvm
from tvm.relay.build_module import bind_params_by_name
import tvm.relay.transform as _transform
from import (
import tensorflow as tf

if __name__ == '__main__':
    model = tf.keras.applications.resnet.ResNet101(
    shape_dict = {'input_1': (1, 224, 224, 3)}
    mod, params = tvm.relay.frontend.from_keras(model,shape_dict, layout="NHWC")

    mod["main"] = bind_params_by_name(mod["main"], params)
    seq = tvm.transform.Sequential(
    timing_inst = PassTimingInstrument()

    with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3, instruments=[timing_inst]):
        mod = seq(mod)
        profiles = timing_inst.render()

The output is

sequential: 235372886us [154us] (100.00%; 100.00%)
        InferType: 1159522us [1159522us] (0.49%; 0.49%)
        InferType: 1160940us [1160940us] (0.49%; 0.49%)
        SimplifyInference: 1378713us [88561us] (0.59%; 0.59%)
                InferType: 1290152us [1290152us] (0.55%; 93.58%)
        FoldConstant: 171760759us [170613491us] (72.97%; 72.97%)
                InferType: 1147268us [1147268us] (0.49%; 0.67%)
        FoldScaleAxis: 59912799us [217us] (25.45%; 25.45%)
                InferType: 1089359us [1089359us] (0.46%; 1.82%)
                BackwardFoldScaleAxis: 1566861us [387372us] (0.67%; 2.62%)
                        InferType: 1179489us [1179489us] (0.50%; 75.28%)
                InferType: 1112379us [1112379us] (0.47%; 1.86%)
                ForwardFoldScaleAxis: 1767860us [619704us] (0.75%; 2.95%)
                        InferType: 1148156us [1148156us] (0.49%; 64.95%)
                FoldConstant: 54376124us [53259735us] (23.10%; 90.76%)
                        InferType: 1116389us [1116389us] (0.47%; 2.05%)

These passes all written in C++ take a total time of 235 sec out of which Constant folding takes around 171 sec + 54 sec ~= 225 sec (> 3min).

Resnet101 is batchnorm heavy network (total of 104 batchnorm ops) and the passes used in the above code are to merge batchnorm with its preceding conv.

My doubt is, as these passes are written in C++, the high compile time taken for these passes justified ? Can’t we make these transformation passes more faster??

@tqchen @mshr-h

The Relay FoldConstant pass internally might execute code on cpu target locally to compute the output of a function that has all constant args, so that the function call can be replaced with its output.

Perhaps your model has a lot of these (I guess the batchnorm nodes you’ve mentioned), and that means we’re running each of those calls at compile time compute it’s output, which could probably be the reason for the time taken.

One other thing I’ve noticed regularly is that, the passes tend to slow down quite a bit when working on Debug builds, so if you’re working on a debug build of TVM, that could also be a reason.

As for making these passes faster, we don’t have a robust PassManager similar to ones found in projects like LLVM, and we run all passes sequentially, but maybe that has been the case because Pass times have not been an issue in most cases.

Thanks @sanirudh for the reply. I’m using the release build of TVM, also the target is llvm.

Ah okay, then I guess the delay comes mostly from fold_constant executing on local CPU. I don’t think there’s any easy way to increase the speed of compilation in this case, since it looks like FoldConstant is just applied too many times for this model.

I’ll update here if I get any ideas.