Tuning convolution with auto scheduler and OpenCL backend fails to compile programs

I am trying to use TVM’s auto scheduler in combination with the OpenCL target to tune convolutions on Intel CPU. The problem I am facing is that all tested programs fail with a compilation error:

No: 1   GFLOPS: 0.00 / 0.00     results: MeasureResult(error_type:RuntimeDeviceError, error_msg:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".../python/tvm/auto_scheduler/measure.py", line 1112, in _timed_rpc_run
  File "...
 1) * 1024)) + (xx_inner * 64)) + ((((int)get_group_id(0)) & 1) * 32)) + ((((int)get_local_id(0)) & 3) * 8)) + ff_inner) + 512))] = conv_local[((((((nn_inner * 256) + (yy_inner * 64)) + (xx_inner * 8)) + ff_inner) + 512))];
Compilation failed

I have defined the convolution like this:

def conv2d_layer(N, H, W, P, Q, CO, CI, KH, KW, stride, padding):
    data = te.placeholder((N, H, W, CI), name="data", dtype="float32")
    kernel = te.placeholder((CO, KH, KW, CI), name="kernel", dtype="float32")

    # Create reduction variables
    rc = te.reduce_axis((0, CI), name="rc")
    ry = te.reduce_axis((0, KH), name="ry")
    rx = te.reduce_axis((0, KW), name="rx")
    # Compute the convolution
    conv = te.compute(
        (N, P, Q, CO),
        lambda nn, yy, xx, ff: te.sum(
            data[nn, yy * stride[0] + ry, xx * stride[1] + rx, rc] * kernel[ff, ry, rx, rc], axis=[ry, rx, rc]
    return [data, kernel, conv]

This is how I start the tuning:

dev = tvm.opencl(0)
target = tvm.target.Target("opencl")
max_shared_memory_per_block = dev.max_shared_memory_per_block
max_local_memory_per_block = 2147483647 # INT32_MAX
max_threads_per_block = dev.max_threads_per_block
max_vthread_extent = int(dev.warp_size / 4) if int(dev.warp_size / 4) > 1 else dev.warp_size
warp_size = dev.warp_size
hardware_params = auto_scheduler.HardwareParams(-1, 16, 64,
                                                max_shared_memory_per_block, max_local_memory_per_block,
                                                max_threads_per_block, max_vthread_extent, warp_size)
task = auto_scheduler.SearchTask(func=conv2d_layer, args=(N, H, W, P, Q, CO, CI, KH, KW, strides, padding), target=target, hardware_params=hardware_params)
measure_ctx = auto_scheduler.LocalRPCMeasureContext(min_repeat_ms=300)
tune_option = auto_scheduler.TuningOptions(

With the CUDA backend, this code works just fine.

Many thanks for your help!

Can you set this value to a larger number?

so we can see the whole error message.

I increased the stack trace length and was able to solve the problem myself. I named the second argument to my conv operator “kernel” which clashes with OpenCL’s “kernel” keyword. Naming the placeholder anything else fixes the error and the tuning works.

Many thanks for your help!

@merrymercy Could you give some ideas about how to set a suitable value for max_local_memory_per_block when use tvm auto scheduler. Thanks.