Torch and torchvision break auto scheduling with RPC on android

When I import torch or torchvision and try to auto schedule (even models that are not from pytorch) the program exits after one trial of fine tuning. The following script reproduces this issue:

import torch
import torchvision
import os
import tvm
from tvm import relay, auto_scheduler, rpc
import tvm.relay.testing
import numpy as np

if __name__ == "__main__":
    mod, params = relay.testing.mobilenet.get_workload(
        batch_size=1, layout="NHWC", dtype="float32", image_shape=(224, 224, 3)
    tracker_host = ""
    tracker_port = 9000
    key = 'android'
    os.environ["TVM_NDK_CC"] = '/users/nkaminsky/library/android/android-toolchain-arm64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-g++'
    builder = tvm.auto_scheduler.LocalBuilder(build_func='ndk')
    runner = tvm.auto_scheduler.RPCRunner(key=key, host=tracker_host, port=tracker_port, priority=0, number=3, repeat=1)
    tasks, task_weights = tvm.auto_scheduler.extract_tasks(
        mod['main'], params,"llvm -device=arm_cpu", "llvm -mtriple=arm64-linux-android")
    tuner = tvm.auto_scheduler.TaskScheduler(tasks, task_weights)
    output_file = './auto_scheduled_model.json'
    tune_options = tvm.auto_scheduler.TuningOptions(num_measure_trials=50,

The error I get is:

Get devices for measurement successfully!
------------------------------  [ Task Scheduler ]
|  ID  | Latency (ms) | Speed (GFLOPS) | Trials |
|    0 |            - |              - |      0 |
|    1 |            - |              - |      0 |
|    2 |            - |              - |      0 |
|    3 |            - |              - |      0 |
|    4 |            - |              - |      0 |
|    5 |            - |              - |      0 |
|    6 |            - |              - |      0 |
|    7 |            - |              - |      0 |
|    8 |            - |              - |      0 |
|    9 |            - |              - |      0 |
|   10 |            - |              - |      0 |
|   11 |            - |              - |      0 |
|   12 |            - |              - |      0 |
|   13 |            - |              - |      0 |
|   14 |            - |              - |      0 |
|   15 |            - |              - |      0 |
|   16 |            - |              - |      0 |
|   17 |            - |              - |      0 |
|   18 |            - |              - |      0 |
|   19 |            - |              - |      0 |
|   20 |            - |              - |      0 |
|   21 |            - |              - |      0 |
Estimated total latency: - ms	Trials: 0	Used time : 1 s	Next ID: 0	
------------------------------  [ Search ]
Generate Sketches		#s: 3
Sample Initial Population	#s: 1513	fail_ct: 0	Time elapsed: 4.04
GA Iter: 0	Max score: 0.9999	Min score: 0.9974	#Pop: 4	#M+: 0	#M-: 0
GA Iter: 4	Max score: 1.0000	Min score: 0.9997	#Pop: 4	#M+: 1390	#M-: 28
EvolutionarySearch		#s: 4	Time elapsed: 17.45
------------------------------  [ Measure ]
Get 2 programs to measure:
Time elapsed for measurement: 8.15 s
------------------------------  [ Train cost model ]

Process finished with exit code 139 (interrupted by signal 11: SIGSEGV)

When I comment out import torch and import torchvision the script runs properly. I’m using torch version 1.7.0 and torchvision version 0.8.1. I ran this script on mac with macOS Big Sur 11.6, and my android device is Samsung S21 5G.

Anyone has an ideas how to solve this issue? any help will be appreciated.

bumping thread fo further exposure