TensorIR: Scheduling the init field of block

Hi everyone,

here a tricky TensorIR question :wink:

When looking at the TIR below, how can I unroll the block T_matmul_NT_init ?

Using get_block("T_matmul_NT_init") runs into an FFI error: the check here: https://github.com/apache/tvm/blob/main/src/tir/schedule/primitive/get_block_loop.cc#L31

Can you help us to understand why this is not possible? @junrushao @Hzfengsy

When we tried to reach child blocks of parent block “T_matmul_NT_o” it only returns the block “T_matmul_NT”, hence, we can’t reach “T_matmul_NT_init” by using that method either.

@main = primfn(var_placeholder: handle, var_placeholder_1: handle, var_T_relu: handle) -> ()
  attr = {"layout_free_placeholders": [0], "target": Target(kind='rb_npu_lib', attrs={'dimension': ""}), "relay_attrs": meta[DictAttrs][0], "tir.noalias": True, "global_symbol": "tvmgen_default_rb_npu_lib_main_0"}
  buffers = {placeholder: Buffer(placeholder_2: Pointer(global float32), float32, [256, 784], []),
             placeholder_1: Buffer(placeholder_3: Pointer(global float32), float32, [1, 784], []),
             T_relu: Buffer(T_relu_1: Pointer(global float32), float32, [1, 256], [])}
  buffer_map = {var_placeholder: placeholder, var_placeholder_1: placeholder_1, var_T_relu: T_relu} {
  block([], "root") {
    T_matmul_NT = alloc_buffer(float32[1, 256])
    for (i0: int32, 0, 1) {
      for (i1_0: int32, 0, 64) {
        block([1, 64, tir.reduce_axis(0, 1)], "T_matmul_NT_o") as [i, j_o, k_o] {
          bind(i, 0)
          bind(j_o, i1_0)
          bind(k_o, 0)
          tir.reads([placeholder_1[0, 0:784], placeholder[(j_o*4):((j_o*4) + 4), 0:784]])
          tir.writes([T_matmul_NT[i, (j_o*4):((j_o*4) + 4)]])
          with init() {
            for (i1_1: int32, 0, 4) {
              block([4], "T_matmul_NT_init") as [j_init] {
                bind(j_init, i1_1)
                tir.writes([T_matmul_NT[i, ((j_o*4) + j_init)]])
                T_matmul_NT[i, ((j_o*4) + j_init)] = 0f32
          for (i2_0: int32, 0, 392) {
            for (i2_1: int32, 0, 2) {
              for (i1_1_1: int32, 0, 4) "unroll" {
                block([4, tir.reduce_axis(0, 784)], "T_matmul_NT") as [j, k] {
                  bind(j, i1_1_1)
                  bind(k, ((i2_0*2) + i2_1))
                  tir.reads([T_matmul_NT[i, ((j_o*4) + j)], placeholder_1[0, k], placeholder[((j_o*4) + j), k]])
                  tir.writes([T_matmul_NT[i, ((j_o*4) + j)]])
                  T_matmul_NT[i, ((j_o*4) + j)] = (T_matmul_NT[i, ((j_o*4) + j)] + (placeholder_1[0, k]*placeholder[((j_o*4) + j), k]))
        for (i1_1_2: int32, 0, 4) "unroll" {
          block([1, 256], "T_relu") as [ax0, ax1] {
            bind(ax0, 0)
            bind(ax1, ((i1_0*4) + i1_1_2))
            tir.reads([T_matmul_NT[0, ax1]])
            tir.writes([T_relu[ax0, ax1]])
            T_relu[ax0, ax1] = max(T_matmul_NT[0, ax1], 0f32)

CC: @areusch @aca88 @SebastianBoblestETAS @sezgin1947 @UlrikHjort

@MJKlaiber Hey thanks for asking!!

There is a schedule primitive called decompose-reduction that converts an init field to a block and move it under a specific loop. After becoming a real block, the init field could be scheduled, e.g. vectorized or unrolled


See an example that exactly does that (schedule (vectorize) init block): https://github.com/apache/tvm/blob/6ce41be3279fc5368fe4e0f406d412eeee20c92d/tests/python/unittest/test_meta_schedule_tune_relay.py#L386-L389


@junrushao @masahi, thanks for the quick answer

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@areusch and I had a discussion this morning, and we agree that the error message right now is a bit vague and didn’t explain well that we didn’t schedule anything inside the init stmt. Perhaps we should write the error msg with more clarity that anything inside init is not directly retrievable