Supporting CumSum from ONNX - Use te Scan op or develop from scratch?

Hi, I’ve just came across a model that requires support for ONNX CumSum op The model comes from DETR object detection model Since this model doesn’t need ad hoc object detection ops that are painful to support, I think it is a great fit for TVM. Our ONNX frontend (also PyTorch) only needs to implement Cumsum op.

Since TVM has support for scan operation, I’m wondering if it is a good idea to implement Relay cumsum op on top of te scan, or implement a new topi operator from scratch. I also want to utilize scan primitive from thrust to support fast cumsum on cuda.

@tqchen @kevinthesun @Laurawly @jwfromm

Hi masahi, Can you run detr model(onnx) from Relay => TIR => cuda/llvm successfully now? I meet a problem that the model had dynamic shape in the inference

Yes we now support DETR via PyTorch frontend. I remember there was an issue if we use ONNX frontend, but I don’t know if that was fixed.

For PyTorch, you can use the script in [Bug] Error in constant folding when model has dropout operator · Issue #7530 · apache/tvm · GitHub. There is no dynamic shape if you import via PT frontend.