[RFC] Visualizing Relay program as graph

Do we consider adding this support on NETRON? GitHub - lutzroeder/netron: Visualizer for neural network, deep learning, and machine learning models


Yes I though about Netron but… unfortunately I am too bad at JS :frowning:

Back then I was thinking relay.as_json() and Netron consume that .json (but we still need a relay.js or so to interpret that JSON.)

Let me think about this.

@chiwwang There is some similar work here:

Would this be of any help?

any way to visualize optimized relay IR? this seems not working to visualize optimized relay IR.

opt_level = 4
target = tvm.target.Target('cuda')
with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=opt_level):
    mod,params = tvm.relay.optimize(mod,target,params=params)
# visualize mod['main']
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I think Netron is the most popular one.