[RFC] SparseTIR as a new dialect in TVM


Many Deep Learning workloads involve sparse/variable components, e.g. Mixture of Experts, Network Pruning, GNNs, and Sparse Conv. Currently, if users want to write these operators in TVM, they need to compose them with IRBuilder, which is not scalable and cannot be specified schedules.

SparseTIR is our attempt at bringing sparsity to TVM, the basic idea is to build a dialect on top of TVM’s TensorIR, and adding sparse annotations (inspired by TACO and other pioneering works in sparse compilers) as first-class members to describe formats for sparse tensors and sparse iterations. SparseTIR designs a multi-stage compilation process whose frontend IR is TACO-like sparse computation description and target IR is TensorIR:

A lot of optimizations and generalizations can be done under this framework. Notably composable formats and composable transformations: we can decompose the computation into several different formats where each one of them in different formats (usually more hardware friendly), and optimize computation on each one of these formats. The multi-stage design enables us to apply schedule primitives in different stages, at both high-level (stage-I) for sparsity-aware transformations and lower-level (stage-II) to reuse TVM’s schedule primitives.

Programming Interface

A generic SparseTIR program looks like the following, the workload is Sampled-Dense-Dense-Matrix-Multiplication (SDDMM):

def sddmm(
    a: T.handle,
    b: T.handle,
    x: T.handle,
    y: T.handle,
    indptr: T.handle,
    indices: T.handle,
    m: T.int32,
    n: T.int32,
    feat_size: T.int32,
    nnz: T.int32,
) -> None:
    T.func_attr({"global_symbol": "main", "tir.noalias": True, "sparse_tir_level": 2})
    # sparse axes
    I = T.dense_fixed(m)
    J = T.sparse_variable(I, (n, nnz), (indptr, indices), "int32")
    J_detach = T.dense_fixed(n)
    K = T.dense_fixed(feat_size)
    # sparse buffers
    A = T.match_sparse_buffer(a, (I, K), "float32")
    B = T.match_sparse_buffer(b, (J_detach, K), "float32")
    X = T.match_sparse_buffer(x, (I, J), "float32")
    Y = T.match_sparse_buffer(y, (I, J), "float32")
    # sparse iterations
    with T.sp_iter([I, J, K], "SSR", "sddmm") as [i, j, k]:
        with T.init():
            Y[i, j] = 0.0
        Y[i, j] = Y[i, j] + A[i, k] * B[j, k] * X[i, j]

where we have constructs like sparse axes, sparse buffers and sparse iterations.

Sparse Axis

Sparse axis is a generation of per-dimensional level formats in TACO where we annotate each dimension of a format as dense/sparse (this dimension is stored in dense or compressed storage) and fixed/variable (this dimension’s extent is fixed or variable). For sparse/variable axes, we need to specify its dependent axis.

  • For axes that are sparse, we need to specify a indices array to store the column indices.
  • For axes that are variable, we need to specify an indptr (short for indices pointer) array to store the start offset of each row because the row length is variable and we cannot simply compute element offset with an affine map of indices.
  • An axes that is both sparse and variable need to be specified with both indices and indptr array.
I = T.dense_fixed(m)
# J1 is a sparse fixed axis, whose dependent axis is I
# it has maximum length n and number of non-zero elements per row: c,
# the column indices data are stored in the region started from indices_1 handle,
# and the index data type (in indices array) is int32.
J1 = T.sparse_fixed(I, (n, c), indices_1, idtype="int32")
# J2 is a dense variable axis, whose dependent axis is I,
# it has a maximum length of n,
# the indptr data are stored in the region started from indptr_2 handle,
# and the index data type (in indptr array) is int32.
J2 = T.dense_variable(I, n, indptr_2, idtype="int32")
# J3 is a sparse variable axis, whose dependent axis is J1,
# it has maximum length of n1, number of elements nnz in the space composed of (I, J1, J3),
# the indptr data are stored in the region started from indptr_3 handle,
# and the indices data are stored in the region started from indices_3 handle,
# the index data type (of indptr and indices array) is "int64")
J3 = T.sparse_variable(J1, (n1, nnz), (indptr_3, indices_3), idtype="int34")

Sparse Buffer

User can create sparse buffers with following APIs in SparseTIR:

A = T.match_sparse_buffer(a, (I, J1), dtype="float32", scope="global")
B = T.alloc_sparse_buffer((I, j2), dtype="float32", scope="shared")

Their semantics are very similar to the existing match_buffer and alloc_buffer constructs in TensorIR, with the exception that we accept an array of sparse axes as shape.

  • The match_sparse_buffer binds a sparse format with a handle(pointer) a to the start of a user-specified input/output array that stores the value inside the sparse buffer.
  • The alloc_sparse_buffer create a sparse buffer without binding to input or output and always acts as an intermediate buffer.

The storage of sparse tensors in SparseTIR follows the design of Compressed Sparse Fiber which is a natural extension of CSR format to high dimensional. Note that SparseTIR decouples the storage of value with auxiliary structure information such as indptr and indices: the value array is bonded with sparse buffers and the indptr and indices array is bonded to axes. Such design enables us to share structure information for different buffers (e.g. in the SDDMM example shown above, the X and Y sparse buffers share structure and we don’t need duplicate storage for their indptr and indices).

We can express sparse tensors stored in various formats using the sparse axis and sparse buffer construct:

# ELLPack format, with number of columns per row 4
I = T.dense_fixed(m)
J = T.sparse_fixed(I, (n, 4), indices, idtype="int32")
A = T.match_sparse_buffer(a, (I, J), dtype="float32")
# 2D Ragged Tensor
I = T.dense_fixed(m)
J = T.dense_variable(I, n, indptr, idtype="int32")
A = T.match_sparse_buffer(a, (I, J), dtype="float32")
# Doubly Compressed Sparse Row (DCSR)
O = T.dense_fixed(1) # A placeholder axis to create axis I.
I = T.sparse_variable(O, (m, nnz1), (indptr_i, indices_i), idtype="int32")
J = T.sparse_variable(I, (n, nnz2), (indptr_j, indices_j), idtype="int32")
A = T.match_sparse_buffer(a, (O, I, J), dtype="float32")
# Block Compressed Sparse Row (BCSR)
IO = T.dense_fixed(mb)
JO = T.sparse_variable(IO, (nb, nnzb), (indptr, indices), idtype="int32")
II = T.dense_fixed(block_size)
JI = T.dense_fixed(block_size)
A = T.match_sparse_buffer(a, (IO, JO, II, JI), dtype="float32")

Sparse Iteration

To create an iteration space, SparseTIR provides a structure called sparse iteration, which accepts an array of sparse axes as input and emits correspondingly iterators on these axes, user can write computations inside the body of sparse iterations:

with T.sp_iter([I, J, K], "SSR", "sddmm") as [i, j, k]:
    with T.init():
        Y[i, j] = 0.0
    Y[i, j] = Y[i, j] + A[i, k] * B[j, k] * X[i, j]

here the SSR means the three iterators are spatial or reduction, which follows the design of TensorIR. sddmm is the name of the sparse iteration for reference when applying schedule primitives.

Compiler Passes

SparseTIR has three major compiler passes: DecomposeFormat, LowerSparseIter and LowerSparseBuffer.

(Optional) Decompose Format

As mentioned above, SparseTIR supports composable formats for efficiency on heterogeneous hardware, this is achieved by an optional compiler pass called DecomposeFormat.

We provide a class called FormatRewriteRule which is a specification of a format rewrite rule, and the pass would accept an array of FormatRewriteRules and rewrites the given SparseTIR script by :

# original sparsetir script before rewrite
def csrmm(
    a: T.handle,
    b: T.handle,
    c: T.handle,
    indptr: T.handle,
    indices: T.handle,
    m: T.int32,
    n: T.int32,
    feat_size: T.int32,
    nnz: T.int32,
) -> None:
    T.func_attr({"global_symbol": "main", "tir.noalias": True, "sparse_tir_level": 2})
    I = T.dense_fixed(m)
    J = T.sparse_variable(I, (n, nnz), (indptr, indices), "int32")
    J_detach = T.dense_fixed(n)
    K = T.dense_fixed(feat_size)
    A = T.match_sparse_buffer(a, (I, J), "float32")
    B = T.match_sparse_buffer(b, (J_detach, K), "float32")
    C = T.match_sparse_buffer(c, (I, K), "float32")
    with T.sp_iter([I, J, K], "SRS", "csrmm") as [i, j, k]:
        with T.init():
            C[i, k] = 0.0
        C[i, k] = C[i, k] + A[i, j] * B[j, k]

mod = tvm.IRModule.from_expr(csrmm)

# bsr format description
def bsr(block_size: int):
    def func(
        a: T.handle,
        indptr: T.handle,
        indices: T.handle,
        m: T.int32,
        n: T.int32,
        nnz: T.int32
    ) -> None:
        IO = T.dense_fixed(m)
        JO = T.sparse_variable(IO, (n, nnz), (indptr, indices), "int32")
        II = T.dense_fixed(block_size)
        JI = T.dense_fixed(block_size)
        A = T.match_sparse_buffer(a, (IO, JO, II, JI), "float32")
        T.evaluate(0)  # placeholder, indicates it's the end of the script.
    return func

# inverse index map
def csr2bsr_inv_index_map(block_size):
    def func(io, jo, ii, ji):
        return io * block_size + ii, jo * block_size + ji

    return func

# index map
def csr2bsr_index_map(block_size):
    def func(i, j):
        return i // block_size, j // block_size, i % block_size, j % block_size

    return func

block_size_symbol = bsr.params[-1]
rewrites = []  # array of format rewrite rules
for block_size in [4, 16, 32]:
            str(block_size),  # name of generated buffer.
            bsr.specialize({block_size_symbol: block_size}),  # the format specification
            ["A"],  # name of the original buffer to rewrite
            ["I", "J"],  # names of the axes the constructs the original buffer
            ["IO", "JO", "II", "JI"],  # names of the axis that constructs new buffer
            {"I": ["IO", "II"], "J": ["JO", "JI"]},  # the correspondence between original axes and new axes
            csr2bsr_index_map(block_size),  # the index map from the original buffer access index to the new 
 buffer access index.
            csr2bsr_inv_index_map(block_size),  # the inverse index map from new buffer access index to original buffer access index.

# format decomposition pass
mod = tvm.sparse.format_decompose(mod, rewrites)

and below is the IR script after transformation, which generates three 3 sparse iterations for data movement that copies data from the original format to composable formats, and another 3 sparse iterations that compute on the composable formats:

def bsr_rewrite_with_preprocess(
    a: T.handle,
    b: T.handle,
    c: T.handle,
    indptr: T.handle,
    indices: T.handle,
    m: T.int32,
    n: T.int32,
    feat_size: T.int32,
    nnz: T.int32,
    a_4: T.handle,
    indptr_4: T.handle,
    indices_4: T.handle,
    m_4: T.int32,
    n_4: T.int32,
    nnz_4: T.int32,
    a_16: T.handle,
    indptr_16: T.handle,
    indices_16: T.handle,
    m_16: T.int32,
    n_16: T.int32,
    nnz_16: T.int32,
    a_32: T.handle,
    indptr_32: T.handle,
    indices_32: T.handle,
    m_32: T.int32,
    n_32: T.int32,
    nnz_32: T.int32,
) -> None:
    # function attr dict
        {"global_symbol": "main", "tir.noalias": True, "sparse_tir_level": 2, "composable": 1}
    I = T.dense_fixed(m, "int32")
    J = T.sparse_variable(I, (n, nnz), (indptr, indices), "int32")
    J_detach = T.dense_fixed(n, "int32")
    K = T.dense_fixed(feat_size, "int32")
    IO_4 = T.dense_fixed(m_4, "int32")
    JO_4 = T.sparse_variable(IO_4, (n_4, nnz_4), (indptr_4, indices_4), "int32")
    II_4 = T.dense_fixed(4, "int32")
    JI_4 = T.dense_fixed(4, "int32")
    IO_16 = T.dense_fixed(m_16, "int32")
    JO_16 = T.sparse_variable(IO_16, (n_16, nnz_16), (indptr_16, indices_16), "int32")
    II_16 = T.dense_fixed(16, "int32")
    JI_16 = T.dense_fixed(16, "int32")
    IO_32 = T.dense_fixed(m_32, "int32")
    JO_32 = T.sparse_variable(IO_32, (n_32, nnz_32), (indptr_32, indices_32), "int32")
    II_32 = T.dense_fixed(32, "int32")
    JI_32 = T.dense_fixed(32, "int32")
    A = T.match_sparse_buffer(a, [I, J], dtype="float32")
    B = T.match_sparse_buffer(b, [J_detach, K], dtype="float32")
    C = T.match_sparse_buffer(c, [I, K], dtype="float32")
    A_4 = T.match_sparse_buffer(a_4, [IO_4, JO_4, II_4, JI_4], dtype="float32")
    A_16 = T.match_sparse_buffer(a_16, [IO_16, JO_16, II_16, JI_16], dtype="float32")
    A_32 = T.match_sparse_buffer(a_32, [IO_32, JO_32, II_32, JI_32], dtype="float32")
    # body
    # with T.block("root")
    with T.sp_iter([IO_4, JO_4, II_4, JI_4], "SSSS", "rewrite_A_4") as [io_4, jo_4, ii_4, ji_4]:
        T.sp_iter_attr({"preprocess": True})
        A_4[io_4, jo_4, ii_4, ji_4] = A[io_4 * 4 + ii_4, jo_4 * 4 + ji_4]
    with T.sp_iter([IO_16, JO_16, II_16, JI_16], "SSSS", "rewrite_A_16") as [
        T.sp_iter_attr({"preprocess": True})
        A_16[io_16, jo_16, ii_16, ji_16] = A[io_16 * 16 + ii_16, jo_16 * 16 + ji_16]
    with T.sp_iter([IO_32, JO_32, II_32, JI_32], "SSSS", "rewrite_A_32") as [
        T.sp_iter_attr({"preprocess": True})
        A_32[io_32, jo_32, ii_32, ji_32] = A[io_32 * 32 + ii_32, jo_32 * 32 + ji_32]
    with T.sp_iter([IO_4, II_4, JO_4, JI_4, K], "SSRRS", "csrmm_4") as [io_4, ii_4, jo_4, ji_4, k]:
        with T.init():
            C[io_4 * 4 + ii_4, k] = T.float32(0)
        C[io_4 * 4 + ii_4, k] = (
            C[io_4 * 4 + ii_4, k] + A_4[io_4, jo_4, ii_4, ji_4] * B[jo_4 * 4 + ji_4, k]
    with T.sp_iter([IO_16, II_16, JO_16, JI_16, K], "SSRRS", "csrmm_16") as [
        with T.init():
            C[io_16 * 16 + ii_16, k] = T.float32(0)
        C[io_16 * 16 + ii_16, k] = (
            C[io_16 * 16 + ii_16, k] + A_16[io_16, jo_16, ii_16, ji_16] * B[jo_16 * 16 + ji_16, k]
    with T.sp_iter([IO_32, II_32, JO_32, JI_32, K], "SSRRS", "csrmm_32") as [
        with T.init():
            C[io_32 * 32 + ii_32, k] = T.float32(0)
        C[io_32 * 32 + ii_32, k] = (
            C[io_32 * 32 + ii_32, k] + A_32[io_32, jo_32, ii_32, ji_32] * B[jo_32 * 32 + ji_32, k]

This pass can help generate code with better performance if we use the “right” composable formats. However, it introduces external data movement overhead from the buffer in the original format to the buffer in composable formats. In most settings where the sparse structure is stationary, we can lift the data movement parts outside the kernel and reuse them during training/serving thus amortizing such overhead. But there are some cases that sparse structure is dynamic and decompose format is not necessary, so we make this pass optional.

Sparse Iteration Lowering

The transition from stage-I to stage-II is called Sparse Iteration Lowering where we restructure Sparse Iterations in stage-I to nested loops in stage-II (in the future we will support co-iterations generation like in TACO), and we also change the buffer access semantics from coordinate space in stage-I (which is data structure agnostic) to position space in stage-II (which is aware of data structures).

Below is an example of sparse iteration lowering:

# before lowering
def bsrmm_stage_i(
    a: T.handle,
    b: T.handle,
    c: T.handle,
    indptr: T.handle,
    indices: T.handle,
    nb: T.int32,
    mb: T.int32,
    nnzb: T.int32,
    blk: T.int32,
    feat_size: T.int32,
) -> None:
    T.func_attr({"global_symbol": "main", "tir.noalias": True, "sparse_tir_level": 2})
    I = T.dense_fixed(nb)
    J = T.sparse_variable(I, (mb, nnzb), (indptr, indices), "int32")
    J_detach = T.dense_fixed(mb)
    BI = T.dense_fixed(blk)
    BJ = T.dense_fixed(blk)
    F = T.dense_fixed(feat_size)
    A = T.match_sparse_buffer(a, (I, J, BI, BJ), "float32")
    B = T.match_sparse_buffer(b, (J_detach, BJ, F), "float32")
    C = T.match_sparse_buffer(c, (I, BI, F), "float32")

    with T.sp_iter([I, BI, BJ, F, J], "SSRSR", "bsrmm") as [
        with T.init():
            C[i, bi, f] = 0.0
        C[i, bi, f] = C[i, bi, f] + A[i, j, bi, bj] * B[j, bj, f]

# after lowering
def bsrmm_stage_ii(
    a: T.handle,
    b: T.handle,
    c: T.handle,
    indptr: T.handle,
    indices: T.handle,
    nb: T.int32,
    mb: T.int32,
    nnzb: T.int32,
    blk: T.int32,
    feat_size: T.int32,
) -> None:
    # function attr dict
    T.func_attr({"global_symbol": "main", "tir.noalias": True, "sparse_tir_level": 1})
    I = T.dense_fixed(nb, idtype="int32")
    J = T.sparse_variable(I, (mb, nnzb), (indptr, indices), idtype="int32", sorted=True)
    J_dense = T.dense_variable(I, (mb, nnzb), indptr, idtype="int32")
    J_detach = T.dense_fixed(mb, idtype="int32")
    BI = T.dense_fixed(blk, idtype="int32")
    BJ = T.dense_fixed(blk, idtype="int32")
    F = T.dense_fixed(feat_size, idtype="int32")
    A = T.match_sparse_buffer(a, [I, J, BI, BJ], dtype="float32")
    B = T.match_sparse_buffer(b, [J_detach, BJ, F], dtype="float32")
    C = T.match_sparse_buffer(c, [I, BI, F], dtype="float32")
    J_indptr = T.match_sparse_buffer(indptr, [I], dtype="int32", extra_storage=1)
    J_indices = T.match_sparse_buffer(indices, [I, J_dense], dtype="int32")
    # body
    # with T.block("root")
    T.assume_buffer_domain(J_indptr, [0, nnzb])
    T.assume_buffer_domain(J_indices, [0, mb])
    for i, bi, bj, f in T.grid(nb, blk, blk, feat_size):
        with T.block("bsrmm0"):
            vi, vbi, vbj, vf = T.axis.remap("SSRS", [i, bi, bj, f])
                J_indptr[vi : vi + 2], A[vi, 0:mb, vbi, vbj], B[0:mb, vbj, vf], J_indices[vi, 0:mb]
            T.writes(C[vi, vbi, vf])
            T.block_attr({"sparse": True})
            with T.init():
                C[vi, vbi, vf] = T.float32(0)
            for j in T.serial(J_indptr[vi + 1] - J_indptr[vi]):
                with T.block("bsrmm1"):
                    vj = T.axis.reduce(mb, j)
                    T.reads(A[vi, vj, vbi, vbj], B[J_indices[vi, vj], vbj, vf], J_indices[vi, vj])
                    T.writes(C[vi, vbi, vf])
                    T.block_attr({"sparse": True})
                    C[vi, vbi, vf] = (
                        C[vi, vbi, vf] + A[vi, vj, vbi, vbj] * B[J_indices[vi, vj], vbj, vf]

Please check section 3.3 of the paper and code for the details of this pass.

Sparse Buffer Lowering

This pass transforms stage-II IR to stage-III IR (TVM TensorIR), by removing sparse structures (axes and sparse buffers), and flattens sparse buffer access to underlying 1-dimensional compressed storage access.

Below is the code of BSRMM function in stage-III after sparse buffer lowering:

def bsrmm(
    a: T.handle,
    b: T.handle,
    c: T.handle,
    indptr: T.handle,
    indices: T.handle,
    nb: T.int32,
    mb: T.int32,
    nnzb: T.int32,
    blk: T.int32,
    feat_size: T.int32,
) -> None:
    # function attr dict
    T.func_attr({"global_symbol": "main", "tir.noalias": True, "sparse_tir_level": 0})
    A_data = T.match_buffer(a, [nnzb * blk * blk], dtype="float32", strides=[1])
    B_data = T.match_buffer(b, [mb * blk * feat_size], dtype="float32", strides=[1])
    C_data = T.match_buffer(c, [nb * blk * feat_size], dtype="float32", strides=[1])
    J_indptr_data = T.match_buffer(indptr, [nb + 1], dtype="int32", strides=[1])
    J_indices_data = T.match_buffer(indices, [nnzb], dtype="int32", strides=[1])
    # body
    # with T.block("root")
    for i, bi, bj, f in T.grid(nb, blk, blk, feat_size):
        with T.block("bsrmm0"):
            vi, vbi, vbj, vf = T.axis.remap("SSRS", [i, bi, bj, f])
                J_indptr_data[0 : nb + 1],
                A_data[0 : nnzb * blk * blk],
                B_data[0 : mb * blk * feat_size],
            T.writes(C_data[vi * (blk * feat_size) + vbi * feat_size + vf])
            T.block_attr({"sparse": True})
            with T.init():
                C_data[vi * (blk * feat_size) + vbi * feat_size + vf] = T.float32(0)
            for j in T.serial(J_indptr_data[vi + 1] - J_indptr_data[vi]):
                with T.block("bsrmm1"):
                    vj = T.axis.reduce(mb, j)
                        A_data[(vj + J_indptr_data[vi]) * (blk * blk) + vbi * blk + vbj],
                            J_indices_data[vj + J_indptr_data[vi]] * (blk * feat_size)
                            + vbj * feat_size
                            + vf
                        J_indices_data[vj + J_indptr_data[vi]],
                    T.writes(C_data[vi * (blk * feat_size) + vbi * feat_size + vf])
                    T.block_attr({"sparse": True})
                    C_data[vi * (blk * feat_size) + vbi * feat_size + vf] = (
                        C_data[vi * (blk * feat_size) + vbi * feat_size + vf]
                        + A_data[(vj + J_indptr_data[vi]) * (blk * blk) + vbi * blk + vbj]
                        * B_data[
                            J_indices_data[vj + J_indptr_data[vi]] * (blk * feat_size)
                            + vbj * feat_size
                            + vf

Please refer to section 3.4 in the paper and code for details of this pass.

Schedules and Post-Processing Passes

We allow users to apply schedule primitives at all stages (I, II, III) to transform programs.

Stage-I Schedules

The schedules applied at stage-I are new to TVM, we require schedule primitives at this stage to only manipulates the 3 structures Axes, Sparse Iterations, and Sparse Buffers, and cannot generate loops/blocks because these structures do not appear in stage-I. We currently have the following schedules at stage-I:

  • sparse_reorder : reorder the iterators in sparse iterations.
  • sparse_fuse : fuse multiple iterators into a single one, so that we only emit a single loop for the multi-dimensional iteration space in stage-II (this is the same as collapse schedule primitive in TACO).
  • annotate_sparse_iter : annotate sparse iterations.

We can create more schedule primitives such as sparse_compute_at as long as they are dealing with stage-I structures.

Stage-II/III Schedules

Stage-I is very similar to TensorIR except for Axes and Sparse Buffers, we re-use all TensorIR’s schedule primitives to enable transforming stage-II/III IR in SparseTIR.

Slight code changes are required to make some schedule primitives recognize sparse buffers, but in general, these changes would not break any existing behavior.

Post-Processing Passes

Horizontal Fusion

We need a HorizontalFusion pass which enables us to fuse multiple CUDA kernels horizontally (to reduce kernel launching overhead for composable formats, on CUDA):

The pass itself is not hard to implement in TVM, reference implementation can be found here.

Lowering Atomic Intrinsics

Several CTA might write into the same position because of composable formats, and this pass would rewrite assignments to atomic add (and more general atomic aggregation, in the future) intrinsics.

Runtime classes

The Decompose Format pass is only responsible for rewriting the IR, and we need corresponding functions to transform the sparse matrix, currently, SparseTIR is not capable of generating these format conversion routines automatically, but we provide APIs for some frequently used conversions.

How can SparseTIR benefit the TVM project

SparseTIR can help TVM support sparse workloads in Deep Learning, currently, TVM has some sparse workloads written in IRBuilder and we can replace them with SparseTIR scripts, which also enables larger schedule space as IRBuilder is hard to schedule. We have evaluated many sparse Deep Learning applications in SparseTIR and the performance is promising (see our examples and artifact evaluations).

SparseTIR’s design is consistent with the spirit of TVM Unity, the sparse annotations could not only exist in tensor level IR but also computational-graph level IR (e.g. relax), where we can describe variable lengths inputs in LLMs, mixture-of-experts and more.

Changes to the TVM codebase

Thanks to the modular design of TVMScript, the changes to the TVM codebase are minimal and incremental, and we can ship these features one by one:

  • Sparse Data Structures
  • SparseTIR TVMScript parser and printer and unit tests
  • SparseTIR schedule primitives and unit tests
  • Lowering passes and unit tests
    • Decompose Formats
    • Sparse Iteration Lowering
    • Sparse Buffer Lowering
    • Horizontal Fusion
    • Atomic Lowering
  • Runtime classes and unit tests

We haven’t designed the proper algorithm for auto-scheduling SparseTIR, but it will be interesting to see MetaSchedule (or a faster default scheduler) for SparseTIR.

Some items to discuss

  • Should we reuse the T prefix for SparseTIR structures, or create a new name space such as S because sparse annotations can be used in different level IRs (e.g. TensorIR and Relax).
  • We change the PrimFunc node to add a field sparse_axes which is an array of Axes, its default value is empty. This would change the initialization function of PrimFunc, I’m not sure if it’s acceptable for the community. An alternative is to create a subclass SparsePrimFunc and not change the behavior of existing PrimFunc.


Authors: The SparseTIR Team(@yzh119 @MasterJH5574 @junrushao @tqchen ).

We look forward to hearing more feedback from the community.


Thanks for posting the RFC! Great to see we moving forward for the SparseTIR project and trying to bring it part of the Apache TVM mainline.

Regarding the items to discuss:

  1. For the namespace, either reusing T or using a sub-namespace T.sp/T.sparse looks good to me. We don’t need to consider Relax at this moment I think.
  2. Axes “annotated” to a PrimFunc are essentially the structures that describing the possible ways of loop iteration globally inside the PrimFunc. If we have other dialects introduced to TensorIR in the future, it is possible that they also have special ways of describing loop iteration. Considering this, shall we make the field a bit more generic? For example, making it an array of ObjectRef and naming it “iter_struct”/“struct_iter” (open to naming). Another alternative is to place the axes at the root block level, since every PrimFunc has a root block. While in this way we will still need to introduce the field to block, which I think is less tidy than placing in PrimFunc, because a PrimFunc usually have more than one block, and the new field is only used in the root block.

Congrats on getting Sparse TIR accepted for ASPLOS 2023 :partying_face:


Thanks for your suggestions, regarding question 1, I prefer reusing the prefix T as we are still tensor-level IR. Regarding question 2, I agree with you that it’s preferable to make it a PrimFunc level instead of a root block level attribute. Also, I think it’s a good idea to make a SparsePrimFunc for SparseTIR so that we can accept runtime SparseTensor class as inputs.

Thank you @LeiWang1999 , do you have any suggestions on this RFC (i.e. what feature do you want to support, how to make it more user friendly, comments on existing design)?

Congratulations!Format Decompose pass is very helpful when generating a GPU friendly kernel. However, from the example code here, we can see the FormatRewriteRule is determined in compile stage. Also, the num_col_parts and bucket_sizes is fixed during code generation. Since symbolic shape and param is available in Tensor IR (TVM Script), is it possible to leave some param symbolic during the compile time? For example, the num_col_parts is related to the shape and sparsity of the sparse tensor, which may not be determined until excution time in practice.

From current design,it seems that every FormatRewriteRule is correspond to a sub-kernel and compute a single ellpacked submatrix. So if we don’t know the suitable num_col_parts in compile time, we can’t generate decomposed code.

My question is will some dynamic shape sparse tensor be supported in the future? So we can leave some format decomposition related param undetermined with a var, and generate code with relatively good(maybe not as good as totally fixed workload) performance.

@qelk123 thank you for your suggestion, our design leaves the flexibility of making the composable format parameters variable instead of constant.

For example the script to describe BSR format

# bsr format description
def bsr(block_size: int):
    def func(
        a: T.handle,
        indptr: T.handle,
        indices: T.handle,
        m: T.int32,
        n: T.int32,
        nnz: T.int32
    ) -> None:
        IO = T.dense_fixed(m)
        JO = T.sparse_variable(IO, (n, nnz), (indptr, indices), "int32")
        II = T.dense_fixed(block_size)
        JI = T.dense_fixed(block_size)
        A = T.match_sparse_buffer(a, (IO, JO, II, JI), "float32")
        T.evaluate(0)  # placeholder, indicates it's the end of the script.
    return func

can be modified as the following

def func(
    a: T.handle,
    indptr: T.handle,
    indices: T.handle,
    m: T.int32,
    n: T.int32,
    nnz: T.int32,
    block_size: T.var("int32")
) -> None:
    IO = T.dense_fixed(m)
    JO = T.sparse_variable(IO, (n, nnz), (indptr, indices), "int32")
    II = T.dense_fixed(block_size)
    JI = T.dense_fixed(block_size)
    A = T.match_sparse_buffer(a, (IO, JO, II, JI), "float32")
    T.evaluate(0)  # placeholder, indicates it's the end of the script.
return func

which accepts symbolic block size.

However, the idx_map and inv_idx_map in FormatRewriteRule lost the information about block_size then. To resolve this, a solution is to make the members of FormatRewriteRule part of the format description (embedded in TVMScript).

def bsr(
    a: T.handle,
    indptr: T.handle,
    indices: T.handle,
    m: T.int32,
    n: T.int32,
    nnz: T.int32,
    block_size: T.var("int32")
) -> None:
    IO = T.dense_fixed(m)
    JO = T.sparse_variable(IO, (n, nnz), (indptr, indices), "int32")
    II = T.dense_fixed(block_size)
    JI = T.dense_fixed(block_size)
    A = T.match_sparse_buffer(a, (IO, JO, II, JI), "float32")
        "buffer_to_rewrite": "A",
        "axis_map": {"I": ["IO", "II"], "J": ["JO", "JI"]}
        "idx_map": (lambda i, j: i // block_size, j // block_size, i % block_size, j % block_size),
        "inv_idx_map": (lambda io, jo, ii, ji: io * block_size + ii, jo * block_size + ji)

Then we can safely abandon the FormatRewriteRule class and just use this format description to decompose formats. (The FormatRewriteRule was designed before TVMScript supports lambda expressions, now we can do better with more advanced TVMScript).

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Thank you for your reply. Using var param in FormatRewriteRule can achieve format transformation from original format to another dynamic format. However, apart from format transformation, another role of format_decompose is when tensor is splitted to sub-tensors like here (hyb format), related IR and function arg list could be generated correctly using multiple FormatRewriteRule structure. (maybe multiple format descriptions using TVMScript in the future)

The classes really transform the sparse tensor are runtime classes as you said before. In practice, we should leave the real tensor transformation to excution time with a runtime determined transformation strategy, since only then can these tensors be accessed and we know the shape and sparsity of the tensor. So we may not know how many sub-tensors will be generated using runtime classes when we do format decomposition. Is here any solutions in current design or can we support IR generation for dynamic sub-tensors size or we say a runtime determined tensor split rule in the future?

Good point. If we can determine all possible “micro-kernels” ahead of time, I suppose it’s possible to decompose a tensor into a variable number of sub-tensors (in this case we might not use optimizations like horizontal fusion) and dispatch the computation corresponding to each of these sub-tensors to pre-compiled “micro-kernels”.

An interesting idea is thinking about the transformation at higher-level IRs such as relax. For example, the Multi-Head Attention applied to ragged tensors (variable length 2d array) can be dispatched to pre-compiled operators in different ways: e.g. by rows, and the number of rows does not need to be pre-determined.

Thank you, @MasterJH5574, @LeiWang1999, and @qelk123 for your valuable input!

I have created a formal RFC at apache/tvm-rfcs, which builds upon our previous discussions and incorporates some of the ideas shared.