[RFC] Search-based Automated Quantization

Search-based Automated Quantization


One year before, I have implemented a quantization workflow in tvm: issue, pull. Brought the idea from some existing quantization frameworks, I choose to adopt the annotation-calibration-realization 3-phases design:

  • Annotation: The annotation pass rewrites the graph and inserts simulated quantize operation according to the rewrite function of each operator. The simulated quantize operation simulates the rounding error and saturating error of quantizing from float to integer,
  • Calibration: The calibration pass will adjust thresholds of simulated quantize operations to reduce the accuracy dropping.
  • Realization: The realization pass transforms the simulation graph, which computes with float32 actually, to a real low-precision integer graph.

However, during development, I found there exist some drawbacks in this approach:

  • During annotation, we annotate each tensor as INPUT / WEIGHT / ACTIVATION kind for different quantization stratege, which is kinds of operation specific, so that we need to hanle different combinations happened in different models. This make annotation has many manual rules and becomes quite hard to maintain. See here as example.
  • The simulated graph don’t have the total scale and data type information. We defer the scale inference and data type selection to realization, which makes logic of this part quite hard to understand. Also, lacking of those information means that we cannot catch overflow error during simulation.
  • We are facing hardware divergence while trying to deploy quantized model to different hardwares. There are two solutions: 1.checking target during annotation, which make the logic more complicated; 2.adding a new partition pass to decide the quantize topology first, which means every hardware need to implement a customized partition pass.

Based on the previous experience we have learnt, I am proposing a new quantization framework, which brings hardware and learning method in the loop. Serveral improvements have been made to address our previous problems:

  • Inserting SimQ (simulated_quantize) operation on every edge instead of by manual annotation rule. Let the learning algorithm to discover the best quantization strategy on every edge instead of by labeling.
  • Adding in_scale, in_dtype, out_dtype into SimQ’s definition. Executing scale inference and data type assignment during simulation. Simulating overflow error in SimQ.
  • Proposing the Hardware abstraction to describe hardware properties and operation constraints. By this declaration way, users only need to define different Hardware objects for different hardwares, without need to understand the quantization logic.

Workflow Overview

Let’s walk through the workflow first.

GIven the model and a description for the target hardware, the system will generate a set of choice space for bits, and the Topology of the quantization. Here Topology means which nodes / edges will be quantized, considering the hardware and operator contraints, which will be discussed later.

Then the search loop begins: the learning algorithm will select a set of parameter from the choice space – here is the number of bit on every edge. The thresholds can be estimated by statistics gathered from a small calibration dataset. Combining topology, bits and thresholds, we can genereate the simulated graph and evalute it on the calibration dataset (around 128 samples). With the output/accuracy as the feedback, the learning algorithm then can select the next set of bits setting.

In the end, with the best strategy found during search, we will realize the simulated model to the real low-precision integer model.

Specification: bit, threshold, scale

In this section we will introduce serveral importance notations: bit, threshold, scale.

In general, the goal of quantization is to transform a graph running with floating point number (real value) to a graph running with integer numbers (quant value), without sacrificing too much accuracy. So given a tensor with real values, what the realation with its transformed quant value? Here is the specification we will follow in current implementation:

scale = threshold / pow(2, bit - sign_bit)


bit is the number of bit we will use to represent the real values. Notably, it does not necessary to be the bit of the data type exactly: even we choose int8 data type, we can still only use 6 bit. This is useful in some condition that opeartor’s output requires inputs to be fit in small range. Threshold is a estimation for range of real value, which can be the max value range simply. There also exist many complicated threshold estimation methods for better accuracy, which will be discussed in the threshold esimtaiton section.

Hardware Description

The hardware description is trying to provide a central abstract for hardware properties we need to consider during quantization. By declaring those properties first, we can avoid to handle hardware specifc condition in followed quantization steps.

Currently we can specify input data types, and output data types of every operator.

desc = Hardware()

desc['add'].append(OpDesc(in_dtypes=['int32', 'int32'], out_dtypes=['int32']))
desc['add'].append(OpDesc(in_dtypes=['float32', 'float32'], out_dtypes=['float32']))

desc['nn.conv2d'].append(OpDesc(in_dtypes=['int16', 'int16'], out_dtypes=['int32']))
desc['nn.conv2d'].append(OpDesc(in_dtypes=['int8', 'int8'], out_dtypes=['int32']))

desc['nn.global_avg_pool2d'].append(OpDesc(in_dtypes=['float32', 'float32'], out_dtypes=['float32']))

The hardware information has been utilized serveral times during the whole procedure:

  • By specifying operator only support float computation, the system will realize a end need to be put before the operator. This should be able to address some problem for VTA pipeline, we would like to specify some operators to be run with integer instruction on VTA core and some operators with float instruction on the normal cpu.
  • The bit choice space is generated from it. For every edge, we can infer that the maximum bit we an use depends on the data type constraints.
  • After we decided the number of bit will be used on every edge, we will select proper data type according to the hardware information.

More property will be added depends on our need in the future development.


Threshold Estimation

In order to estimate the threshold, we will run the model on the calibration dataset first, and collect the statistics we need. Currently we will save all the outputs of intermediate operators. To determine the threshold from the collected outputs, there exist several strategies:

  • max_range: use the maximum value of the output as threshold of the corresponding node.
  • power2_range: round the maximum value to the nearest power of two value as the threshold.
  • kl_estimate: choose a threshold which will make the KL distance between real output and quantized output small enough.

Currently I choose the power2_range method, which makes it possible to use shifting to replace multiplication and give us better performance in the final quantized model. Although kl_estimate will give us the better accuracy, but it is quite time consuming, which is not feasible for using during search currently.

One tricky problem is that for operators like addition, which only can be executed while its operands’ scales are eqaul. We would like to unified its operands’ scale first. To achieve this, estimated thresholds will be adjusted before simulation. I have introduced a transform named threshold_rectify and a operator specific attribute for it:

def threshold_rectify_for_add(in_bits, out_bits, in_tholds, out_tholds):
   # choose scale of the one with maximum threshold
   idx = np.argmax(in_tholds)
   unified_scale = in_tholds[idx] / (2**(in_bits[idx] - sign_bit))
   # adjust thresholds according to the unified scale

Simulated Quantize

Given bits and thresholds, now we can try to generate a model to simulate the errors brought by quantization. After analyzing, we can found that the error comes from serveral aspects: 1. rounding error; 2. saturated error; 3. overflow error.

We will insert a simulated_quantize operator on every edge, which is trying to simulate those errors. The definition has been attached as below:

def simulated_quantize(data, in_scale, out_scale, clip_min, clip_max, in_dtype, out_dtype):
    if in_dtype == 'float32' and out_dtype == 'float32':
        # no need to quantize
        return data
    # simulated overflow error    
    data = data / in_scale
    data = topi.cast(data, in_dtype)
    data = data * in_scale
    scaled_data = data / out_scale
    # simulate saturated error
    clipped_data = topi.clip(scaled_data, clip_min, clip_max)
    # simulate round error
    rounded_data = topi.cast(topi.round(scaled_data), out_dtype)
    out = rounded_data * out_scale
    return out

So how to calculate those parameters by bit and threshold? out_scale, clip_min, clip_max are pretty straigt forware:

integer_range = 2**(bit - sign_bit)
out_scale = threshold / integer_range
clip_min = - (integer_range - 1)
clip_max =    integer_range - 1

For in_scale, in_dtype, out_dtype, we need to do extra effort to infer them.

Scale Inference

we can found in the model above, the in_scale of SimQ is actually the scale of previous operator’s output, which can be calculcated depends on the operator definition. We providing a register function for such property:

def infer_scale_for_conv2d(in_scales):
    return in_scales[0] * in_scales[1]

Data Type Assignment

For data type, we will traverse operators, select operator specification from the hardware description that satisfy the in bit and out bits requirement.


With all the preperation decribed above, now the quantization problem is converted to a learning problem: we want to find the best setting from the choice space, to achieve the best accuracy (or other objective like performance) of simulated model, and we can use the output(accuracy) every round as the feedback.

For this learning problem, I have implemented random_search, simulated_anealing, also a greedy algorithm. Currently my experiemnt shows that greedy search is the most feasible one.

Log Format

Since the search space is quite large and the searching procedure can be quite long, it would be better to have a formal log format to record the experiment details for reproducibility and exchangeability. Currently I choose json format, and the detail is show as below:

  • version: the log format version.
  • strategy: the quantization strategy.
    • model_hash: the hash value of the model, can be used to verify whether the model match the strategy.
    • topology: the topology of the quantized model
      • node_conds: which nodes will be quantized
      • edge_conds: which edges will be quantized
    • bits: number of bit on every edge.
    • thresholds: threshold for every node output.
  • results: the result of experiment
    • sim_acc: the accuracy of simulated model

Search Speed


After getting the best quantization strategy: topology, bits, thresholds realizing the simulated graph to the low-precesion quanitze graph is pretty stragiht-forward. We just need to replace the SimQ op on every edge with low-precision integer operations.


The most painful thing is to debug where is wrong with my quantized model, since usually we only know that thefinal accuracy is pretty bad. I have implemented a inspect_graph_statistic function to check statistic difference before and after quantizing layer by layer, so that I can locate where is wrong quickly. It is demonstrated quite helpful during my development.


API Demo

from tvm import hago

# ideally we will have predefined description for x86, arm, gpu and vta
hardware = hago.create_sample_hardware()
strategy, sim_acc = hago.search_quantize_strategy(graph, hardware, dataset)
quantizer = hago.create_quantizer(graph, hardware, strategy)
simulated_graph = quantizer.simulate()
quantized_graph = quantizer.quantize()

Current Status

I have made the whole pipeline worked and get a preliminary 68.7% result on resnet18_v1, noticed that here I did not skip the first convolution layer and only use power-of-two range instead of kl distance, there should be much more room to improve.


cc whom might be interested in quantization topic

@vinx13 @masahi @adb @kloud1989 @tico @Alter @janimesh

Two things I really like here are the inserting SimQ on every edge and adding the Hardware abstraction. We could potentially reuse the Hardware abstraction for easy-to-define custom fusion passes too.

How does the quantization search strategy compare to the current quantization with the same config for resnet18_v1?

I would also be interested to see how an ML learner like XGBoost would compare vs greedy for training time & accuracy.

Kudos @ziheng for working through all the details and writing a very nice RFC.

I like many aspects that you discuss - Hardware abstraction that lets you choose dtypes for the hardware, the threshold estimation, and converting it into a learning problem. And thanks for raising the topic of debugging. It is extremely hard to debug a quantized network.

I have few concerns/suggestions that might be worth discussing

  • Currently, you only have scales and no zero points. I think you are still considering symmetric quantization. Considering, you are going to a do big design change, it might be worth looking into.
  • I did not fully understand the threshold_rectify requirement. I understand that is because you have to get same scales for the input tensors. But, is it only for simulation? Or are you gonna bring thisrequantize in realize pass as well?

A major reason I have these questions is because we have a QNN dialect in TVM now, that supports both TFLite and MxNet quantized networks. It has both asymmetric and channel-wise quantization support. So, I believe that it is worth thinking if this is the right time to use QNN ops for realization. We can make threshold estimation to try all these different quantization techniques, and can rely on QNN for lowering. This will unify the efforts, create a single easy to understand design and avoid duplication. @vinx13 and I also had a quick chat about this integration.

  • Minor implementation suggestion - If we are not using KL-Divergence, can we modify the graph to add Relay min/max operators and each edge and then just get all these outputs, instead of storing the whole tensors.
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As a side note.

One interesting technical discussion to have here is whether asymmetry is a technical debt introduced by the constraint of pre-quantized models. While it is important to support it in QNN to be compatible to existing prequantized models, perhaps we can get away with symmetric quantization(perhaps with channel wise support) if we quantized from fp32 models.

The main reason for such believe is that asymmetry only saves 1 bit— if the min is smaller than 0 max is bigger, we can always represent an asymmetric scheme using symmetric scheme by adding 1bit. On the other hand, asymmetry brings reasonable amount of overhead.

@janimesh I’ve spent some time with our auto quantization and now I’m working on translating quantized pytorch models to relay via QNN. I really like your proposal for unifying some of the components in our quantization infra :slight_smile:

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Yes, I think we need to discuss if asymmetry has a large technical debt compared to benefits we can get from it.

However, my overarching point is more towards integrating QNN and Automatic Quantization as far as realization part goes. We can unify and avoid duplication of efforts. Just mentioned it here because it seems like there is considerable implementation, and we might want to take this point into consideration as well.

That sounds good.

It would be great to provide a description of alternative solutions, what is the current qnn’s realization strategy, what is the autoQ’s strategy and a proposed unified one.

If there is indeed quite a lot of reusable component then it makes sense to bring things together. It might also provide some insights into what are new designs we want to put to enhance the dialect to support autoQ

Hey @adb, yes, reusing the Hardware abstraction is definitely one direction we would like to go! It seems that we don’t have much meaningful features to feed into XGBoost now, but use it to build a latency predictor should be feasible and we can try in the future. I will put more benchmarks when I finish most of the framework work!

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@ziheng thanks for bringing this RFC on such an important topic for TVM.

I fully agree that some improvements were required in the current quantization approach in TVM. For example, one of my major problems was that I was never able to find the proper way to set the local scales instead of a global scale, which of course is not the best option.

In general, the idea looks quite promising. At this point I have two comments:

  1. Hardware description: I was wondering what would be the concrete list of attributes of this description?. One important is the actual data types supported by the target hardware. For example, in some cases only INT8 is supported, so of course the quantization flow should be aware of this. Also, is this description going to be an external file or in an internal TVM database, or the user should provide every time the HW attributes?. I am asking this because it would be practical to have this as an external file or in some sort of database in TVM for common platforms.

  2. Dataset: How would be the format of the calibration dataset in the API?. This could be challenging since depending on the model and framework the format of the datasets could vary, for example, in complex data generators in Keras.

BTW, the debug support is a great idea!

Hey @janimesh, thanks for those suggestions!

  • The threshold_rectify will adjust the thresholds during simulation, also will have effect on the real quantized graph, since we use the adjusted thresholds.
  • I think we will use KL-Distance in the end for accuracy. But yes, we can record some statistics like min/max/mean/var as the sketch of the intermediate results instead of the whole tensor.

Also, unifying the AutoQ and QNN is a good point! I will think about it! @masahi @janimesh


@ziheng Sounds good. I will be happy to help in the redesign. I plan to go through AutoQ next week to get a deeper understanding of current implementation, and will think about the integration as well.

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BTW some extra quantization info my team has needed in the topi/codegen stage. We’ve needed to hack this in so far as per [Quantization] How to expose 'ndom_scale' 'nclip_min' & 'nclip_max' to TOPI or CodeGen.

  • Output tensor absolute value ranges (we see output values as accumulators)
  • Input tensor absolute value ranges
  • Weight tensor absolute value ranges
  • weight scale factor

Haven’t worked this one out yet since fusion is involved

  • Bias tensor absolute value range, if bias is present for nn.dense or nn.conv2d
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Hey @tico, thanks for your suggestion!

  1. Yes, currently the hardware description can specify the data type that it supports, and user can use Python API to declare it. We can also support external file definitely in the future!

  2. Currently I just use a list of dict for the calibration dataset: [{'data': data_arr, 'label': label_arr}, ...]. Yes, we should make a decision about this. Since the calibration dataset should be small, we do not need much complicated design.

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Hi @ziheng,

How would quantization proceed in this framework when fusion is different between CPU and some hypothetical accelerator? Right now, I believe that default fusion rules are used for both CPU and device. Normally I think we would want CPU to follow the same fusion rules as the accelerator before minimizing KLD?

Hey @adb,

I am considering to extend the hardware description and apply it to the fusion pass too. So that we can have different fusion strategy according to the hardware. Currently, since I have noted the SimQ operator as Opache, so fusion will not happen during simulation.

quantization process should happen before or after graph high-level optimization which not related with backend device(conv+bn+relu)?

Before it, so that quantize operators can also be fused.

Thanks! :coffee: :coffee:

I want to try to reproduce the quantization process, but I don’t see the relevant implementation in the latest version of the TVM source code, and I can’t find the hago library. Is there any relevant code reference? thanks :grinning:

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