[RFC] Annotate Custom Scope layout Relax pass for Adreno GPU


  • The default layout for any Tensor should be Texture.
  • We plan to introduce Reduction, GeneralReduction and FallBack schedules if an operator has a texture argument.
  • Exceptions possible like if the tensor doesn’t fit in texture limits or operator specific fallbacks like params of convolution to be coming from global to avoid pressure on Texture path.
  • First step towards promoting every tensor to Texture is by converting it to NCHW4c layout if possible (C being multiple of 4 naturally or by padding). The convert layout enhancements will take care of this.

desired_layouts = {"relax.nn.conv2d": ["NCHW4c", "OIHW4o", "NCHW4c"]}

mod = tvm.relax.transform.ConvertLayout(desired_layouts)(mod)

Above pass promotes to NCHW4c starting from Conv2D and following all layers until a layer rejects 5D. At this juncture convert_layout handles the incompatibility. The starting layers that initiate texture are not limited to Conv2D but eventually we may have layers like MatMul, Attention …etc.

Now to really define VDevice info into every struct_info we have two options.

Options 1: Introduce scope information into relax.ops followed by Legalization, FuseOps, FuseTIR …etc. Option2: Legalization, FuseOps, FuseTIR and then introduce scope information into call_tir.

In both options “Inducing scope” is done by AnnotateCustomScope pass, it does

  • Collect call wise consumer scopes (Check operation specific exceptions, texture limits …etc.)
  • Collect producer scopes
  • Putting together we finally define the scope for each layer’s input and output*
  • Now inject hint_on_device for each input.
  • Now, call RealizeVDevice pass to realize the hints. This pass injects to_device if there is incompatibility from producer to consumer. Else, it leaves as it is.
  • This pass can operate over relax.ops or call_tir

Option1 Challenges: When we are promoting a layer to texture we need to consider the below aspects

  • Mixed inputs: Before legalization we can’t have different scopes (VDevice) for inputs of a relax.op. InferOpOutVDevice expects all inputs to have same VDevice.

Option 2 Challenges: This way we go for annotation after FuseOps and FuseTIR.

  • Annotation require relax.op attributes to make some decisions related to enable texture or which scope to be applied to each argument. However, the op attributes are not available here.

I think the main challenge we are facing here is that there are texture/scope decisions that usually are easier to obtain in high level ops, while in the call_tir case we would like to enforce these constrains, the most desirable application of call_tir is to ensure we only do things via analysis feedbacks.

In our discussion, we can roughly divide our ops into two category

  • C0: Simple op, the ops whose scope propagation properties can be decided by analysis feedback, e.g. ewise ops
  • C1: Complicated ops: conv, attention, these op’s dispatch usually benefit from high level information.

Thinking about the proposal, i think indeed option 1 might be cleaner, with one minor modification, maybe we can legalize C0 first (leaving C1 un-touched), so you can take benefit of analysis feedbacks on the scope induction(likely simplifies the cost of registering rules for many ops).

Now back to the mixed inputs challenge. Do we expect mixed inputs for a real GPU op? if so, we should register special rules to enhance InferOpOutVDevice, since previously it did not consider mixed scope case. If not, we can insert convert layout to ensure such constraint

I feel this proposal with C0, C1 sounds feasible. I will try a prototype on the lines of

  • Enhance InferOpOutVDevice to support mixed scopes (VDevice).
  • Early legalization of C0 ops (probably argument to legalize pass indicating which op-pattern level to legalize).
  • Followed by Scope Annotation, legalize C1 ops and finally go for FuseOps and FuseTIR.

Yes, the case where activations use global.texture and params use global scope. This is efficient on Adreno GPU to load data access between TP (Texture Processor) path and DDR paths.


I could progress with recommended approach here and I see FuseOps fail to fuse with mem_scope info in tir calls. I am yet to debug the FuseOps. Posting here to seek any hints that could help in debug.

def main(x: R.Tensor((2, 16, 28, 28), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:1:global"), w: R.Tensor((4, 16, 3, 3), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:1:global")) -> R.Tensor((2, 4, 26, 26), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:1:global"):
    cls = Module
    with R.dataflow():
        lv: R.Tensor((2, 16, 28, 28), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:1:global") = x
        lv_1 = R.call_tir(cls.te_layout_transform, (lv,), out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 4, 28, 28, 4), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:0:global.texture-weight"))
        lv1: R.Tensor((4, 16, 3, 3), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:1:global") = w
        lv1_1 = R.call_tir(cls.te_layout_transform1, (lv1,), out_sinfo=R.Tensor((1, 16, 3, 3, 4), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:0:global.texture-weight"))
        gv = R.call_tir(cls.conv2d_NCHWc_OIHWo_opencl, (lv_1, lv1_1), out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 1, 26, 26, 4), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:0:global.texture-weight"))
        lv2: R.Tensor((2, 1, 26, 26, 4), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:0:global.texture-weight") = gv
        gv2 = R.call_tir(cls.relu, (lv2,), out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 1, 26, 26, 4), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:0:global.texture-weight"))
        lv3: R.Tensor((2, 1, 26, 26, 4), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:0:global.texture-weight") = gv2
        lv2_1 = R.call_tir(cls.tir_tanh, (lv3,), out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 1, 26, 26, 4), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:1:global"))
        lv4: R.Tensor((2, 1, 26, 26, 4), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:1:global") = lv2_1
        gv3 = R.call_tir(cls.te_layout_transform2, (lv4,), out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 4, 26, 26), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:1:global"))
    return gv3

Where as this can fuse properly

def main(x: R.Tensor((2, 16, 28, 28), dtype="float32"), w: R.Tensor((4, 16, 3, 3), dtype="float32")) -> R.Tensor((2, 4, 26, 26), dtype="float32"):
    cls = Module
    with R.dataflow():
        lv = R.call_tir(cls.te_layout_transform, (x,), out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 4, 28, 28, 4), dtype="float32"))
        lv1 = R.call_tir(cls.te_layout_transform1, (w,), out_sinfo=R.Tensor((1, 16, 3, 3, 4), dtype="float32"))
        gv = R.call_tir(cls.conv2d_NCHWc_OIHWo, (lv, lv1), out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 1, 26, 26, 4), dtype="float32"))
        gv2 = R.call_tir(cls.relu, (gv,), out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 1, 26, 26, 4), dtype="float32"))
        lv2 = R.call_tir(cls.tir_tanh, (gv2,), out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 1, 26, 26, 4), dtype="float32"))
        gv3 = R.call_tir(cls.te_layout_transform2, (lv2,), out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 4, 26, 26), dtype="float32"))
    return gv3

The issue here is with intermediate assignments. A simple pass to remove the intermediate assignments had resulted proper fusion.

1 Like

Finally, Texture scoping realization works by

  • Stage 1 is generic and straight forward by using convert_layout pass that transforms the shapes as well as injecting layout_transform ops as needed.

  • Stage 2 This pass is responsible for injecting appropriate VDevice into StructInfo and adding any copies if there is a conflict between producer and consumer scopes.

After convert_layout the mod looks like below


 class Module:
   def main(
     x: R.Tensor((2, 64, 56, 56), dtype="float32"),
     w: R.Tensor((32, 64, 3, 3), dtype="float32")
   ) -> R.Tensor((2, 32, 54, 54), dtype="float32"):
      with R.dataflow():
          lv: R.Tensor((2, 16, 56, 56, 4), dtype="float32") = R.layout_transform(
                  lambda i0, i1, i2, i3: (i0, i1 // 4, i2, i3, i1 % 4)))
          lv1: R.Tensor((8, 64, 3, 3, 4), dtype="float32") = R.layout_transform(
                  lambda i0, i1, i2, i3: (i0 // 4, i1, i2, i3, i0 % 4)))
          lv2: R.Tensor((2, 8, 54, 54, 4), dtype="float32") = R.nn.conv2d(
          gv: R.Tensor((2, 32, 54, 54), dtype="float32") = R.layout_transform(
                  lambda i0, i1, i2, i3, i4: (i0, i1 * 4 + i4, i2, i3)))
      return gv


Here, the param layout transforms are injected properly and the conv2d op is operating in 5D shapes.

Now, the scope annotation decisions are done by

  • For op_pattern < kCommReduce we just look for shape being 5D and inner dimension = 4
  • For op_pattern > kCommReduce we make decisions selectively. Currently we do enable texture scope for Conv2D, PoolOps.

The trick here is while this pass is in action we need op_pattern information for ops that are below kCommReduce as well op attrbutes for selective ops like Conv2D, PoolOps …etc. op_pattern is available after legalization and TIROpPattern pass does an analysis. However, op specific attributes doesn’t exist after legalization.

To solve this issue, we go legalization in parts.

At first, we call legalization by skipping the list of ops we wanted not to legalize. LigalizeOps is enhanced to accept skip_ops list for this purpose. After legalization and AnnotateTIROpPattern this way the mod likes like


class Module:
    def main(
      x: R.Tensor((2, 64, 56, 56), dtype="float32"),
      w: R.Tensor((32, 64, 3, 3), dtype="float32")
    ) -> R.Tensor((2, 32, 54, 54), dtype="float32"):
    with R.dataflow():
        lv = R.call_tir(cls.te_layout_transform, (x,),
            out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 16, 56, 56, 4), dtype="float32")
        lv1 = R.call_tir(cls.te_layout_transform1, (w,),
            out_sinfo=R.Tensor((8, 64, 3, 3, 4), dtype="float32")
        lv2: R.Tensor((2, 8, 54, 54, 4), dtype="float32") = R.nn.conv2d(
        gv = R.call_tir(cls.te_layout_transform2, (lv2,),
            out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 32, 54, 54), dtype="float32")
    return gv


Here, the legalized prim functions does have op_pattern attribute. We now have what we wanted to run this pass.

This pass in principle does scope annotation based on consumer prioriry. i.e. For any tensor object we tries to assign scope based on the sonsuner requirement. The conflicts and multiple consumers for same tensor are handled by injecting appropriate copies.

  • CollectConsumerScopeInfo: Visitor collects all consumer demand for each input
  • CollectProducerScopeInfo: Visitor does finalizes the scope for each input and output based on consumer scope information. It does evaluating mutiple consumer cases and conflicts.
  • DefineVDevice: Pass does injects hint_on_device for each argument. It also tries to update out StructInfo containing VDevice information. This update for tir calls is straight forward as sinfo_args in CallNode is meant for this purpose. This sinfo_args for other calls by design is invalid as we do this by “FInferStructInfo”. Another issue we have with “FInferStructInfo” is they can’t decide this memory scope information which is done by this pass based on consumer demand. Hence, we are going to use the sinfo_args to indicate this information. So, this pass attributes sinfo_args for regumar calls too and FInferStructInfo implmentation do take VDevice information from this hint. This also solves the issue of mixed VDevice for arguments of an op this way.

After these steps the mod looks like


class Module:
 def main(
   x: R.Tensor((2, 64, 56, 56), dtype="float32"),
   w: R.Tensor((32, 64, 3, 3), dtype="float32")
 ) -> R.Tensor((2, 32, 54, 54), dtype="float32"):
    with R.dataflow():
      lv: R.Tensor((2, 64, 56, 56), dtype="float32") = R.hint_on_device(
           x, R.device(dev_type=4, dev_id=0), "global"
      lv_1 = R.call_tir(cls.te_layout_transform, (lv,),
          out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 16, 56, 56, 4), dtype="float32",
      lv1: R.Tensor((32, 64, 3, 3), dtype="float32") = R.hint_on_device(
          w, R.device(dev_type=4, dev_id=0), "global"
      lv1_1 = R.call_tir(cls.te_layout_transform1, (lv1,),
          out_sinfo=R.Tensor((8, 64, 3, 3, 4), dtype="float32",
      lv2: R.Tensor((2, 16, 56, 56, 4), dtype="float32",
      ) = R.hint_on_device(lv_1, R.device(dev_type=4, dev_id=0), "global.texture-nhwc")
      lv3: R.Tensor((8, 64, 3, 3, 4), dtype="float32",
      ) = R.hint_on_device(lv1_1, R.device(dev_type=4, dev_id=0), "global.texture-weight")
      lv2_1: R.Tensor((2, 8, 54, 54, 4), dtype="float32",
      ) = R.nn.conv2d(
          lv2, lv3,
          data_layout="NCHW4c", kernel_layout="OIHW4o",
          out_layout="NCHW4c", out_dtype="float32",
          sinfo_args=(R.Tensor((2, 8, 54, 54, 4), dtype="float32",
      lv4: R.Tensor((2, 8, 54, 54, 4), dtype="float32",
      ) = R.hint_on_device(lv2_1, R.device(dev_type=4, dev_id=0), "global")
      gv = R.call_tir(cls.te_layout_transform2, (lv4,),
          out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 32, 54, 54), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:1:global")
  return gv


What we have above is hint_on_device injections and out_sinfo for all calls.

Now, we apply RealizeVDevice to formalize the hints. Followed by we also call RemoveRedundantAssignments that removes redundant assignments like

lv: R.Tensor((2, 64, 56, 56), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:1:global") = x lv1: R.Tensor((32, 64, 3, 3), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:1:global") = w

These assignments are result of hint_on_device not realizing any copy while consumer and producer has same memory scope or vdevice. These assignments do impact operator fusion later.

Now the mod looks like,


class Module:
    def main(
      x: R.Tensor((2, 64, 56, 56), dtype="float32"),
      w: R.Tensor((32, 64, 3, 3), dtype="float32")
    ) -> R.Tensor((2, 32, 54, 54), dtype="float32"):
      with R.dataflow():
         lv = R.call_tir(cls.te_layout_transform, (x,),
             out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 16, 56, 56, 4), dtype="float32",
         lv1 = R.call_tir(cls.te_layout_transform1, (w,),
             out_sinfo=R.Tensor((8, 64, 3, 3, 4), dtype="float32",
         lv2: R.Tensor((2, 8, 54, 54, 4), dtype="float32",
         ) = R.nn.conv2d(
             lv2, lv3,
             data_layout="NCHW4c", kernel_layout="OIHW4o",
             out_layout="NCHW4c", out_dtype="float32",
             sinfo_args=(R.Tensor((2, 8, 54, 54, 4), dtype="float32",
         gv = R.call_tir(cls.te_layout_transform2, (lv4,),
             out_sinfo=R.Tensor((2, 32, 54, 54), dtype="float32", vdevice="opencl:1:global")
     return gv


Followed by, the compilation pipeline calls

  • legalization of the remaining ops: This legalization do forwards the annotated out_sinfo VDevice information to tir_calls
  • AnnotateTIROpPattern : TIROp Patterns for newly legalizes ops
  • Fusion
  • OptimizeToVDeviceForScopeChange: There exist some ToVDevice copies from texture to buffer This pass removes the copes and updates producer scope to global.
  • SpecializePrimFuncBasedOnCallSite: Finally we update the Buffer Var maps according to VDevice scopes.

To Review:

FInferStructInfo enhancement by mixed scope is handled by hinting required scope info in sinfo_args in CallNode

Ref. tvm/python/tvm/relax/utils.py at cc03780b1cee0a06a26161181aede98b3a39d00f · apache/tvm · GitHub

The output VDevice is assumed to be same as inputs VDevice. The hinted VDevice info doesn’t forward here. Hence, we are updating the VDevice info in legalization pass post processing looking at CallNode hinted StructInfo.