[Question] Does the current vision auto_scheduler support search using wmma?

above question, any none knows?

It’s not supported. However, meta schedule does. We recently upstreamed auto tensorization and now available in the main branch. Here’s an example tuning with meta schedule tune_gemm.py · GitHub

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Thank you for your reply! I read the paper TensorIR: An Abstraction for Automatic Tensorized Program Optimization. It says TensorIR run bert-large model can be as fast as TensorRT. Does it use meta_schedule for search better op implementation?

When I use auto_schedule search the model exported from tensorflow(bert-base batch 8, seq 384), it can achive about 100 fps. FasterTransformers can be 1100fps. Should I use meta_schedule for search?


Yes it uses meta schedule, which uses tensorization (CUDA fp16 tensor core) and software pipelining for optimization.

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Do the order of rules have any influence on the meta schedule? I think the order of rules cannot be changed in Ansor before. @vinx13

The order matters. It is applied to the workload in the specified order.

Ok, If I want to see the changes after each rule is applied, how can do it?

You can add some logging here https://github.com/apache/tvm/blob/main/src/meta_schedule/space_generator/post_order_apply.cc#L173. You can also run each separately (see test case for example https://github.com/apache/tvm/blob/main/tests/python/unittest/test_meta_schedule_schedule_rule_mlt.py)

Ok, thanks for your reply!