Quantization: aligning result of TVM to Torch's

Hi all,

This post summarizes a series of problems, we’ve experienced, of aligning result of TVM to Torch’s.


Problem 1:Problems introduced by the “two rounding” behavior on arm_cpu

op: q_multiply_shift, used in requantization.

The DEFAULT path:

The NEON path:

The NEON path may produce some different values (due to two rounding)[1], compared with the DEFAULT path, within a single layer.

The problem is, on arm_cpu, it will sometimes use the DEAULT path, sometimes use the NEON path:

  • If the innermost axis, is a multiple of four and vectorization applied, the NEON path is enabled
  • Otherwise, the DEFAULT path

BTW, it looks like “two rounding” is important to make a “bit exact result” of TFLite qnnpack, see

Problem 2: Problems introduced by different rounding algorithms

Case 1: AdaptiveAvgPool2d, result truncated due to integer division, see Pytorch: The inference results of tvm and pytorch are inconsistent

It seems can be fixed by adding a “0.5”, following an integer division. What make things complicated is, Torch applies banker’s rounding, that is, Rounding to Nearest Even(RNE):

  • RNE(1.5) → 2
  • RNE(2.5) → 2

Thus, a bigger problem is, Torch uses RNE as its standard rounding algorithm, e.g.

  • Quantization Aware Training: The fake quantize op
  • Quantization (Inference only): qnnpack backend (tested by @wyc0926 )

Now, even the DEAULT path of q_multiply_shift can not produce the same result with Torch’s.

  1. Four parameters of q_multiply_shift: x, y, q, s, let’s assume q = 31, s = -1, and a value of x * y as follows:
                    2nd rounding
                      | 1st rounding
                      |  |
                      V  v
bit idx: 63 62 ... 32 31 30  ...  0
bit val: s  s         0  1          # s for sign bit,
                                    # { bit_62 - bit_31 } will be kept
                                    #   as the result (a 32bit integer)
                                    #   of neon.sqrdmulh

The first rounding will produce a carry:

                   2nd rounding
bit idx: 62 ...   32 31
bit val: s           1          # The 2nd rounding is done by neon.srshl
                                # (shift left "s = -1" with rounding)

                                # Note: bit_32 will accept the "carry"
                                #   out of "rounding(bit_31...)"

This carry will then be further propagated to bit 32, which produces a different value to the DEFAULT path(aka rounding once).

Above can be fixed as follows:

  • using sqdmulh for s < 0
  • and use sqrdmulh for s == 0

I’ve gave up matching exactly against PT result during I was developing quantized PT model support. But that might have been due to the fact that I was using fbgemm exclusively… Are you saying it is feasible to be bit-exact on ARM + qnnpack?

Sorry it’s not clear to me if you are proposing something or describing the situation in general. Do you want us to do something?

We’ve managed to get an result (using our TorchScript, QAT model) at precision of rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, against torch’s qnnpack, with the above-mentioned matters(except RNE) considered

I’m expecting to:

  1. Submit “two rounding precision fixup patch” later, request for review (not sure the impact for TFLite bit-exact)

  2. Raise a question: shall we switch to RNE (Rounding to Nearest Even)?


  • Torch is quite popular these days
  • Under RNE, 0.5 has a 50-50 chance to lead to carry, bringing in lesser bias, i.e.
Value Whether lead to carry
>0.5 yes
<0.5 no
==0.5 50%


  • Limited HW support (?)

  • Modify q_multiply_shift on each device

    Also need to apply RNE to other Ops, where rounding is involved, (e.g. AdaptiveAvgPool2d)

Sure, you can send a PR and we can discuss there.
