Here are some considerations that we can take together regarding the front end.
Frontend of interest evolve over time. For example, latest PyTorch frontend migrates to the FX graph, fx and inductor, and the respective frontend needs to be updated accordingly. For new frontend needs. Bringing them to relax would enable a clear focus here. It also unblocks the issue of dynamic shape. So we can have focused effort around these efforts. That is why such conversation is important, so we can enabel the focus.
We can possibly is keep certain importer modules and data structures a bit longer if there is community volunteer effort maintaining them. We need to address the testing issue by moving from execution tests to structural tests and placing execution tests nightly, where the model gets imported and then translated to Relax for structural testing. We encourage such efforts to actually start work on frontend translation directly into Relax when possible.
Coming back to the broader context, this is indeed a hard tradeoff we need to make. As the real impact translates to the volunteer developers, and we can face a real risk being burdened by lack-maintainace, slow development and the project not survive in the fast competitive landscape. That is why it is important to bring this conversation and move toward the direction. That would also enable to have a clear call to focus on some of the latest frontend needs through relax development. Love to see ideas around them and working together on some of the directions!
To keep things continue supported, we should enable release branches cut that can continue to take maintenance patches on the related components. We can also account for them in community development and contributions.