No OpenCL device from Snapdragon board

I’m trying to run TVM on Snapdragon board locally via Termux, since using RPC does not work for me.

To enable LLVM, I pkg-installed llvm, clang, llvm-static, etc… To enable OpenCL, I copied from /system/vendor/lib to termux local directory (since termux does not have root permission) and OpenCL libraries offered from Qualcomm developer website.

As a result, TVM local build on the board succeeded while enabling LLVM and OpenCL.

However, if I try to run tutorials, cpu target works:'llvm -mtriple=aarch64-unknown-linux-android')

while opencl target 'opencl' or 'opencl -device=adreno' does not work:

Cannot find config for target=opencl -keys=opencl,gpu -max_num_threads=256, workload=('dense_small_batch.cuda', ('TENSOR', (1, 512), 'float32'), ('TENSOR', (1000, 512), 'float32'), None, 'float32'). A fallback configuration is used, which may bring great performance regression.
[09:09:33] /data/data/com.termux/files/home/tvm/src/runtime/opencl/ No OpenCL platform matched given existing options ...
/data/data/com.termux/files/home/tvm/tutorials/get_started/ DeprecationWarning: legacy graph runtime behavior of producing json / lib / params will be removed in the next release. Please see documents of tvm.contrib.graph_runtime.GraphModule for the  new recommended usage.
  g,m,p =, target, target_host, params=params)
[09:09:34] /data/data/com.termux/files/home/tvm/src/runtime/opencl/ No OpenCL platform matched given existing options ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/data/com.termux/files/home/tvm/tutorials/get_started/", line 114, in <module>
    module = graph_runtime.create(g, m, ctx)
  File "/data/data/com.termux/files/home/tvm/python/tvm/contrib/", line 66, in create
    return GraphModule(fcreate(graph_json_str, libmod, *device_type_id))
  File "/data/data/com.termux/files/home/tvm/python/tvm/_ffi/_ctypes/", line 237, in __call__
    raise get_last_ffi_error()
tvm._ffi.base.TVMError: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/data/com.termux/files/home/tvm/src/runtime/opencl/", line 122
An internal invariant was violated during the execution of TVM.
Please read TVM's error reporting guidelines.
More details can be found here:
  Check failed: context != nullptr == false: No OpenCL device

It seems that TVM can build relay module but the error occurs at the line calling opencl context that I defined as

I first thought that termux might not detect OpenCL but running clinfo on termux shows as below:

~/clinfo $ ./clinfo
Number of platforms                               1
  Platform Name                                   QUALCOMM Snapdragon(TM)
  Platform Vendor                                 QUALCOMM
  Platform Version                                OpenCL 2.0 QUALCOMM build: commit #ffa098c changeid #I3cb6626e76 Date: 01/16/20 Thu Local Branch:  Remote Branch: 
  Platform Profile                                FULL_PROFILE
  Platform Extensions                              

  Platform Name                                   QUALCOMM Snapdragon(TM)
Number of devices                                 1
  Device Name                                     QUALCOMM Adreno(TM)
  Device Vendor                                   QUALCOMM
  Device Vendor ID                                0xbf4d3c4b
  Device Version                                  OpenCL 2.0 Adreno(TM) 650
  Driver Version                                  OpenCL 2.0 QUALCOMM build: commit #ffa098c changeid #I3cb6626e76 Date: 01/16/20 Thu Local Branch:  Remote Branch:  Compiler E031.37.07.00
  Device OpenCL C Version                         OpenCL C 2.0 Adreno(TM) 650
  Device Type                                     GPU

Does anyone have an idea about this issue?