In the unified IR proposal proposed to evolve the low-level IR. While there are some discussions about the name of the low-level IR, we have yet decided the name. Here is a list of current choices
- te(tensor expression): the original strawman
- axon(neuro-related terminology similar to relay): [IR] Unified TVM IR Infra
- tensir: [IR] Unified TVM IR Infra
- tir(in similar spirit of MIR as in rust)
- prim(primitive IR): this is a relevant choice mainly because we renamed the low-level expression as PrimExpr
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Once we decide the name, we will create a subfolder and namespace. The current low-level IR nodes(e.g. ir::SeqStmt
will be moved to the new namespace(e.g. new_namespace:SeqStmt
Please share your thoughts