MicroTVM missing TVMSystemLibEntryPoint() function

Hi ! i am trying to port MicroTVM to bare metal Cortex-m4 with CMSIS-NN ,and Found that there was an error that I couldn’t solve .The compiler tells me it’s missing **TVMSystemLibEntryPoint()**.which was found in two places throughout the project. Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol TVMSystemLibEntryPoint (referred from crt_runtime_api.o).

the function is used in crt_runtime.c

system_lib = **TVMSystemLibEntryPoint()**;

in module,h ,there is

 /*! \brief Entry point for the system lib module. */
const TVMModule* TVMSystemLibEntryPoint(void);

I’ve seen a similar issue raised for a long time, but it only fixes the Arduino version, and when I tried to make similar changes (RUNTIME = tvm.relay.backend.Runtime(“crt”, {“system-lib”: True})), other bugs appeared (that’s another story)