My tvm version is bd24133fce184c84539461b3dc19fdcf7ad60a9e (mid june this year). My tvm stack works fine (relay tir te …).
But I cannot import micro TVM in python see below:
import tvm.micro as micro
"… raise ImportError(“micro tvm is not enabled. Set USE_MICRO to ON in config.cmake”) ImportError: micro tvm is not enabled. Set USE_MICRO to ON in config.cmake "
However, I have built TVM stack with microtvm active (see this grep): ./tvm/build/config.cmake:set(USE_MICRO ON) ./tvm/build/config.cmake:set(USE_MICRO_STANDALONE_RUNTIME ON)
And I have tvm/python in my PYTHONPATH which should be sufficient as it points to parent folder of micro: python/tvm/micro/.
Any idea how to fix this issue?
Thank you very much for your help. Gilles