Is this PrimFunc too complex to build?

Hello, I currently study tir and try to build some complex PrimFunc, but I found the function below took me almost one day to build. I am curious about if this PrimFunc is too complex?

Here is the link to download func

import tvm
import pickle

with open('./func', 'rb') as f:
    prim_func = pickle.load(f)

#[version = "0.0.5"]
primfn(i0: int32, i1: int32, f2: float32, i3: int32, i4: int32, f5: float32, f6: float32, f7: float32, i8: int32, i9: int32, f10: float32, i11: int32, f12: float32, f13: float32, f14: float32, f15: float32, i16: int32, f17: float32, f18: float32, f19: float32, f20: float32, f21: float32, f22: float32, f23: float32, f24: float32, i25: int32, i26: int32, i27: int32, i28: int32, i29: int32, i30: int32, f31: float32, f32: float32, i33: int32, f34: float32, i35: int32, f36: float32, f37: float32, f38: float32, f39: float32, f40: float32, i41: int32, f42: float32, f43: float32, i44: int32, i45: int32, i46: int32, f47: float32, i48: int32, f49: float32, i50: int32, i51: int32, f52: float32, f53: float32, f54: float32, i55: int32, i56: int32, f57: float32, i58: int32, f59: float32, i60: int32, i61: int32, f62: float32, i63: int32, i64: int32, f65: float32, f66: float32, i67: int32, f68: float32, i69: int32, f70: float32, i71: int32, i72: int32, i73: int32, i74: int32, i75: int32, f76: float32, f77: float32, i78: int32, i79: int32, i80: int32, f81: float32, f82: float32, f83: float32, i84: int32, f85: float32, i86: int32, compute_1: handle) -> ()
  attr = {"global_symbol": "main", "tir.noalias": True}
  buffers = {compute: Buffer(compute_2: Pointer(int32), int32, [1], [])}
  buffer_map = {compute_1: compute} {
  compute_2[0] = floordiv(69, select((@tir.bitwise_xor(floordiv(cast(int32, @tir.if_then_else(cast(bool, min(max(@tir.pow(select((f20 == 0f32), 4f32, f20), cast(float32, floormod(@tir.shift_right(select((select(cast(bool, min(max((cast(int32, f10) / select((cast(int32, False) == 0), 4, cast(int32, False))), 0), 1)), (7 - i27), 48) >= 0), select(cast(bool, min(max((cast(int32, f10) / select((cast(int32, False) == 0), 4, cast(int32, False))), 0), 1)), (7 - i27), 48), (0 - select(cast(bool, min(max((cast(int32, f10) / select((cast(int32, False) == 0), 4, cast(int32, False))), 0), 1)), (7 - i27), 48))), min(30, select((cast(int32, cast(bool, min(max(cast(int32, (cast(bool, min(max(cast(int32, True), 0), 1)) || cast(bool, 0))), 0), 1))) >= 0), cast(int32, cast(bool, min(max(cast(int32, (cast(bool, min(max(cast(int32, True), 0), 1)) || cast(bool, 0))), 0), 1))), (0 - cast(int32, cast(bool, min(max(cast(int32, (cast(bool, min(max(cast(int32, True), 0), 1)) || cast(bool, 0))), 0), 1)))))), dtype=int32), select((cast(int32, False) == 0), 4, cast(int32, False)))), dtype=float32), 0f32), 1f32)), cast(float32, (cast(float32, ((cast(int32, False)*34) <= cast(int32, False))) == f66)), @tir.if_then_else(cast(bool, min(max(cast(int32, (floordiv(@tir.shift_left(select((@tir.bitwise_not(-24, dtype=int32) >= 0), @tir.bitwise_not(-24, dtype=int32), (0 - @tir.bitwise_not(-24, dtype=int32))), min(30, select((floordiv(cast(int32, f7), select((cast(int32, f77) == 0), 4, cast(int32, f77))) >= 0), floordiv(cast(int32, f7), select((cast(int32, f77) == 0), 4, cast(int32, f77))), (0 - floordiv(cast(int32, f7), select((cast(int32, f77) == 0), 4, cast(int32, f77)))))), dtype=int32), select((i33 == 0), 4, i33)) == @tir.bitwise_not(cast(int32, (1f32 <= (cast(float32, i35)*f22))), dtype=int32))), 0), 1)), f70, cast(float32, i71), dtype=float32), dtype=float32)), select((cast(int32, f47) == 0), 4, cast(int32, f47))), -44, dtype=int32) == 0), 4, @tir.bitwise_xor(floordiv(cast(int32, @tir.if_then_else(cast(bool, min(max(@tir.pow(select((f20 == 0f32), 4f32, f20), cast(float32, floormod(@tir.shift_right(select((select(cast(bool, min(max((cast(int32, f10) / select((cast(int32, False) == 0), 4, cast(int32, False))), 0), 1)), (7 - i27), 48) >= 0), select(cast(bool, min(max((cast(int32, f10) / select((cast(int32, False) == 0), 4, cast(int32, False))), 0), 1)), (7 - i27), 48), (0 - select(cast(bool, min(max((cast(int32, f10) / select((cast(int32, False) == 0), 4, cast(int32, False))), 0), 1)), (7 - i27), 48))), min(30, select((cast(int32, cast(bool, min(max(cast(int32, (cast(bool, min(max(cast(int32, True), 0), 1)) || cast(bool, 0))), 0), 1))) >= 0), cast(int32, cast(bool, min(max(cast(int32, (cast(bool, min(max(cast(int32, True), 0), 1)) || cast(bool, 0))), 0), 1))), (0 - cast(int32, cast(bool, min(max(cast(int32, (cast(bool, min(max(cast(int32, True), 0), 1)) || cast(bool, 0))), 0), 1)))))), dtype=int32), select((cast(int32, False) == 0), 4, cast(int32, False)))), dtype=float32), 0f32), 1f32)), cast(float32, (cast(float32, ((cast(int32, False)*34) <= cast(int32, False))) == f66)), @tir.if_then_else(cast(bool, min(max(cast(int32, (floordiv(@tir.shift_left(select((@tir.bitwise_not(-24, dtype=int32) >= 0), @tir.bitwise_not(-24, dtype=int32), (0 - @tir.bitwise_not(-24, dtype=int32))), min(30, select((floordiv(cast(int32, f7), select((cast(int32, f77) == 0), 4, cast(int32, f77))) >= 0), floordiv(cast(int32, f7), select((cast(int32, f77) == 0), 4, cast(int32, f77))), (0 - floordiv(cast(int32, f7), select((cast(int32, f77) == 0), 4, cast(int32, f77)))))), dtype=int32), select((i33 == 0), 4, i33)) == @tir.bitwise_not(cast(int32, (1f32 <= (cast(float32, i35)*f22))), dtype=int32))), 0), 1)), f70, cast(float32, i71), dtype=float32), dtype=float32)), select((cast(int32, f47) == 0), 4, cast(int32, f47))), -44, dtype=int32)))
  "root": 1, 
  "nodes": [
      "type_key": ""
      "type_key": "Map", 
      "keys": [
      "data": [2]
      "type_key": "Array", 
      "data": [3]
      "type_key": "IntImm", 
      "attrs": {
        "dtype": "bool", 
        "span": "0", 
        "value": "1"
  "b64ndarrays": [], 
  "attrs": {"tvm_version": "0.8.dev0"}