InternalError: Check failed: (!axes.defined() || static_cast<int>(axes.size()) == ndim) is false: Dimension mismatch: axes has 4 elements, but data.ndim = 5

Expected behavior

tvm.error.InternalError: Traceback (most recent call last): File “/tvm/src/relay/op/tensor/”, line 463 InternalError: Check failed: (!axes.defined() || static_cast(axes.size()) == ndim) is false: Dimension mismatch: axes has 4 elements, but data.ndim = 5


the newest tvm version, and llama7b module

###Command python -m tvm.driver.tvmc compile --target “cuda” --output llama_7b_gpu.tar ./llama-hf-7b-onnx/model.onnx