Install tvm on windows 10

Hi! I try to install tvm on my windows 10 system, I follow these steps to build shared library, but there are some error, I don’ t know why I about it . Here are some steps:

  1. I install visual studio 2017
  2. git clone --recursive GitHub - apache/tvm: Open deep learning compiler stack for cpu, gpu and specialized accelerators tvm
  3. run git submodule init git submodule update in the terminal
  4. create a new folder named build, and copy config.cmake from files of step2 to the "build "folder
  5. run conda env create --file conda/build-environment.yaml &conda activate tvm-build in the terminal
  6. run conda build --output-folder=conda/pkg conda/recipe in the terminal When I operate the step 6, the error is as shown in the figure: Why about it ?
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I am not sure about the current support for Windows 10. As an alternative to using Windows 10 directly, you could try the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

I installed TVM using WSL and it works as expected. Both versions of WSL (1 & 2) work just fine. (version 2 is basically just a virtual machine)

Microsoft Docs - WSL