How to use call_lowered

I want to integrate a TIR schedule into an IRModule so that I can later use I found this thread that introduced me to call_lowered so I wanted to try it, this is the code I have:

mod =
mainFnVar = relay.GlobalVar("main")

call_lowered = tvm.relay.op.get("call_lowered")
ifm = relay.var("ifm", shape=inp_shape)
wgt = relay.var("wgt", shape=wght_shape)
args = relay.Tuple([ifm, wgt])

sb = relay.ScopeBuilder()
vortexFnVar = relay.GlobalVar("vortexMatmulTir")
attrs =
    "relay.attrs.CallLoweredAttrs", **{"metadata": {"relay_attrs": ""}}
tmp = sb.let("result", relay.Call(call_lowered, [vortexFnVar, args], attrs=attrs))
mainFn = relay.Function([ifm, wgt], sb.get(),, dtype="int8"))

mod.update_func(mainFnVar, mainFn)
mod.update_func(vortexFnVar, sch.mod["main"])

The IRModule also looks as I would expect:

@vortexMatmulTir = primfn(var_a_in: handle, var_b_in: handle, var_res: handle) -> ()
  attr = {"global_symbol": "main", "tir.noalias": True}
  buffers = {a_in: Buffer(a_in_1: Pointer(global int8), int8, [128, 1024], []),
             b_in: Buffer(b_in_1: Pointer(global int8), int8, [1024, 512], []),
             res: Buffer(res_1: Pointer(global int8), int8, [128, 512], [])}
  buffer_map = {var_a_in: a_in, var_b_in: b_in, var_res: res} {
  block([], "root") {
      block([1, 1], "res_init_o") as [v_i_o, v_j_o] {
        bind(v_i_o, 0)
        bind(v_j_o, 0)
        tir.writes([res[0:128, 0:512]])
        C = match_buffer(res[0:128, 0:512])
      block([1, 1, tir.reduce_axis(0, 1)], "res_update_o") as [v_i_o_1, v_j_o_1, v_k_o] {
        bind(v_i_o_1, 0)
        bind(v_j_o_1, 0)
        bind(v_k_o, 0)
        tir.reads([res[0:128, 0:512], a_in[0:128, 0:1024], b_in[0:1024, 0:512]])
        tir.writes([res[0:128, 0:512]])
        A = match_buffer(a_in[0:128, 0:1024])
        B = match_buffer(b_in[0:1024, 0:512])
        C_1 = match_buffer(res[0:128, 0:512])
        @tir.call_extern("tiled_matmul", dtype=)

def @main(%ifm: Tensor[(128, 1024), float32], %wgt: Tensor[(1024, 512), float32]) -> Tensor[(128, 512), int8] {
  %0 = (%ifm, %wgt);
  let %result = call_lowered(@vortexMatmulTir, %0, metadata={"relay_attrs"=""});

However, when I call I still get the error I ran into when I tried to just build sch.mod without using call_lowered: InternalError: Check failed: (can_dispatch(n)) is false: NodeFunctor calls un-registered function on type tir.PrimFunc

What am I doing wrong here?