How to lower relay built modules?

A tutorial shows that tensor expression can be lower to specific codes. How can I apply similar lowering to relay built models? I believe there should be an API perform the transformation from relay to tir but just cannot find. Appreciate if any one can give an referernce

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In the default compilation flow the lowering from relay → te → tir is implemented using a relay operator strategy.

For a tutorial on relay operator strategies have a look at: Relay Operator Strategy — tvm 0.9.dev0 documentation

You will find the default strategies in tvm/relay/op/strategy.

Thanks for the pointer. The tutorial is for how to bind platform specific te/tir with relay operator. If now I have a relay model,

x = relay.var("x", shape=[1, 10])
w = relay.var("w", shape=[20, 10])
y = relay.dense(x, w)
fn = relay.Function([x, w], y)
mod = tvm.IRModule.from_expr(fn)

How can I lower such expression / module to platform specific TE/TIR, for example, targeting CPU and use “llvm” as the platform.

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As far as I know this is still not directly possible. If your main goal is to look at the generated tir have a look at my previous answer to: TVM terms: relay, topi, tir, te - #6 by jack-willturner

If you really need to implement something like a relay.lower you could probably return the TIR modules here:

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Hi @cgerum ,

Thanks for the pointer. However, I notice that

  • lowered_ir_mods in the provided link is which is not the expected TIR module.
  • The customized print_tir in your previous ansower now raises following error.
  Check failed: (it != functions.end()) is false: There is no definition of @tvmgen_default_fused_layout_transform

Any workthrough to this situation?

full code

x = relay.var("x", shape=[1, 10])
w = relay.var("w", shape=[20, 10])
y = relay.nn.dense(x, w)
fn = relay.Function([x, w], y)
fmod = tvm.IRModule.from_expr(fn)

def print_tir(f, mod, ctx):

with tvm.transform.PassContext(
        opt_level=3, config={"tir.add_lower_pass": [(3, print_tir)]}
        lib =, target="llvm")
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Sorry, my bad it should be:

def print_tir(f, mod, ctx):
    return f

Considering lowered_ir_mods, the map contains a mapping from to the corresponding IR-Modules. So if you want to get the IR just do:

for mod in lowered_ir_mods.values():
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