I’m trying to install tvm stack on Windows10 computer with Anaconda3 installed. But further steps to install LLVM are not clear.
I have made all steps from the “Building on Windows” on [https://docs.tvm.ai/install/from_source.html]. Namely:
- Installed Visual Studio Community 2015 Update 3.
- Cloned the tvm source from github in c:\Anaconda3 to my computer.
- Have made the “c:\Anaconda3\tvm\build” directory, copied “config.cmake”, launched “cmake -G” Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64 “-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = Release -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES =” Release “…”
4 I launched a file with the extension “.sln” under Visual Studio, after which the necessary dll files appeared in the directory “C:\Anaconda3\tvm\build\Release”.
I do not understand the sequence to connect llvm. The phrase in the documentation “In order to build with LLVM in windows, you will need to build LLVM from source. You need to run build the nnvm by running the same script under the nnvm folder” don’t contain anything about it for me. And it seems to contain an error, because nnvm is mentioned instead of llvm.
I would be immensely grateful if you explain in more detail the tvm compilation process with llvm support for Windows.
Thanks for attention.