How to extract name of the arg from a CallNode in TVM

hi all ,
i have to write a custom logic of mem buffer creation in TVM where i need the names of the arguments of CallNode with op as nn.dense.
The function signature looks something like this:

vector<string> Dense(CallNode* call){
    input_name = call->args[0]->name_hint();
    weight_name = call->args[1]->name_hint();
   // do something with names.

Though i want to achieve some thing like this, but unable to do so as i am not able to extract a VarNode from call->args[0]. Any help would be highly appreciated. thanks.

Dear Yogeesh,

I actually tried what you want to do, but I failed to get(set or define) the name because it seems that name_hint is not a member of Expr, but only for Var or GlobalVar. In my case, common argument type is another “CallNode” because they are output of other relay op.

I hope somebody who knows the way identifying ops by name leave the reply… Actually I’m getting used to not using a name of relay operator, it would be very helpful when I first get into TVM.

Anyway, what is your use case that requires a name of operator?

hi @gangmul12 thanks for your reply, you can create a relay program as such :

a = relay.var("input1" , shape = (10,) , dtype = "float32")
b = relay.var("input2" , shape = (10,) , dtype = "float32")
c = relay.add(a,b)
func = relay.Function([a, b] , c)
mod = tvm.IRModule.from_expr(func)
mod = relay.transform.InferType()(mod)

this will give you args are VarNode for CallNode : Add.
keeping this example as base, i would like to get the names of both VarNode which are serving as args for CallNode.

My use case is such that ,
i would like to distinguish between input and weight argument of relay.nn.dense function , and want to create a map of arg_name and its type (input or weight). I have some use of this map later in some other part of the code. some thing like this :

map : {"dense_input" : input ,
       "dense_weight" : weight}

You can downcast the object from Expr to a VarNode using .as<VarNode>.

From your example it should work something like this:

vector<string> Dense(CallNode* call){
    const auto input = call->args[0];
    const auto weight = call->args[1];
    if (<VarNode>()) {
        input_name =<VarNode>()->name_hint();
    if (<VarNode>()) {
        weight_name =<VarNode()->name_hint();
   // do something with names.

The if condition is needed to ensure that the downcast is valid (if the Expr is indeed a reference to VarNode, as opposed to some other expression like ConstantNode), as .as<VarNode> would return a nullptr if not.

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hi @sanirudh
thanks for your solution , i was able to extract the names of the arg of CallNode.