How to create PackedFunc manually?

I’m trying to create PackedFunc manually for my baremetal app. Following the way calling below macro:


int A_wrapper(blahblah);

Linking the program complains**: undefined reference to `__dso_handle’.** I wonder where does it call dso_handle in stdlib?

The macro expands into:

#define TVM_DLL_EXPORT_TYPED_FUNC(ExportName, Function)                                     \
  extern "C" {                                                                              \
  TVM_DLL int ExportName(TVMValue* args, int* type_code, int num_args, TVMValue* out_value, \
                         int* out_type_code) {                                              \
    try {                                                                                   \
      auto f = Function;                                                                    \
      using FType = ::tvm::runtime::detail::function_signature<decltype(f)>::FType;         \
      ::tvm::runtime::TVMRetValue rv;                                                       \
      ::tvm::runtime::detail::unpack_call_by_signature<FType>::run(                         \
          f, ::tvm::runtime::TVMArgs(args, type_code, num_args), &rv);                      \
      rv.MoveToCHost(out_value, out_type_code);                                             \
      return 0;                                                                             \
    } catch (const ::std::runtime_error& _except_) {                                        \
      TVMAPISetLastError(_except_.what());                                                  \
      return -1;                                                                            \
    }                                                                                       \
  }                                                                                         \