How to compile the autotvm generated assembly code for the CPU?

Hello, I auto-tuning an operator on the CPU and have the generated assembly code output to a file. How can I call the operator function in C/C++?

What I’m doing right now is running something similar

as kernel.s -o kernel.o
clang++ main.cpp kernel.o -o main.out

while I define the operator function as

extern "C" void func(float* a, float* b, float* c)

in main.cpp. Am I doing the right thing? My building target is “llvm -mcpu=core-avx2” and I’m using an i7_7700K CPU with Ubuntu 16.04.

@kevinthesun @vinx13 Do you have some experience at this?

Your approach should work. You can also use the C++ runtime api to load the library:

The example works for me but for my own code I get a segmentation fault. I saw that in the example, the add_one function takes two DLTensor pointers as its inputs. Does TVM-generated functions always take DLTensor pointers as their inputs? I’m asking this because I was assuming the function I generated takes float32 pointers as inputs, yet I can’t be sure about that as I have no idea how to figure it out from the asm code. Is there any way to check that out?

tvm has PackedFunc as a wrapper for the actual function that takes float32 pointers inputs. If you invoke your function with tvm runtime api (like what the example does), you will use DLTensor as input

Yes I just confirmed that yesterday as well. All my input data should be wrapped with DLTensor, which makes it all work now. Thank you for your help!

hello,i also have problems in this part.Can you share your C code to show how to call asm code by general C code? much thanks

Hi there, the code is kinda complex so I just post some snippets down here. Please feel free to follow up if you have any questions!

C code:

// Use the `cnpy` library to load npy files in C
cnpy::NpyArray input_1_npy = cnpy::npy_load(input_1_name);
cnpy::NpyArray filter_1_npy = cnpy::npy_load(filter_1_name);

// Save the generated code with .asm format in Python: `code = func.get_source("asm")` and write to file.
tvm::runtime::Module mod = tvm::runtime::Module::LoadFromFile("");
tvm::runtime::PackedFunc func = mod.GetFunction("func");

DLTensor *input, *filter, *output;
int dtype_code = kDLFloat;
int dtype_bits = 32;
int dtype_lanes = 1;
int device_type = kDLCPU;
int device_id = 0;

 * Define input_batch, input_channel, vlen1, vlen2, etc here

int64_t input_shape_tuple[5] = {input_batch, int64_t(std::ceil(input_channel / vlen1)), input_height, input_width, vlen1};
int64_t filter_shape_tuple[6] = {oc_chunk, ic_chunk, filter_height, filter_width, ic, oc};
int64_t output_shape_tuple[5] = {output_batch, int64_t(std::ceil(filter_out_channel / vlen2)), output_height, output_width, vlen2};
TVMArrayAlloc(input_shape_tuple, 5, dtype_code, dtype_bits, dtype_lanes,
                device_type, device_id, &input);
TVMArrayAlloc(filter_shape_tuple, 6, dtype_code, dtype_bits, dtype_lanes,
                device_type, device_id, &filter);
TVMArrayAlloc(output_shape_tuple, 5, dtype_code, dtype_bits, dtype_lanes,
                device_type, device_id, &output);
memcpy(input->data,<float>(), input_batch * input_height * input_width * input_channel * sizeof(float));
memcpy(filter->data,<float>(), filter_height * filter_width * filter_in_channel * filter_out_channel * sizeof(float));

// Be careful of the order of tensor arguments
func(input, filter, output);


CXX := icpx
ASXX := as
TARGET := foobar
CXXFLAGS := -std=c++14 -O2 -fPIC \
	-I${TVM_HOME}/include \
	-I${TVM_HOME}/3rdparty/dlpack/include \
	-L${TVM_HOME}/build \
	-L/usr/local/lib \
	-ltvm_runtime -ldl -lpthread -lcnpy -lz
ASFLAGS ?= -march=corei7+fma+avx+avx2+sse3+avx512f+avx512cd+avx512vl+avx512dq # Put all potentially needed extensions here
KERNEL_ASM ?= func.asm

all: $(TARGET).cpp
	$(ASXX) $(ASFLAGS) $(KERNEL_ASM) -o kernel.o
	$(CXX) kernel.o -shared -fPIC -o
		$(TARGET).cpp \
		-o $(TARGET) \

.phony: clean

	rm $(TARGET) kernel.o || echo -n ""
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