How to add u200 (non SoC) FPGA support to VTA

Dear TVM Community,

I am looking to integrate support for the Xilinx U200 FPGA (non-SoC) into the VTA stack and would appreciate guidance on the following:

  1. Toolchain Setup: What toolchains and steps are recommended to compile and run VTA on the U200 FPGA, given it lacks an embedded processor?
  2. Hardware Interface: How can the U200’s programmable logic be interfaced with VTA (e.g., PCIe, memory access)?
  3. VTA Hardware Adaptation: Are there guidelines for adapting VTA to non-SoC FPGAs like the U200?
  4. Performance Tuning: Any suggestions for performance optimizations on the U200?

Any advice or resources would be greatly appreciated.


Best Regards,

Uzair Rehman

We are phasing out vta in the latest release, but there are still vta related materials in the past releases. Unfortunately my understanding is that running on non-SOC usually would involve significant change and the previous solution may not work out of box

Thank you very much for your time can you please confirm one thing that is there any support in TVM for Vitis AI u200 FPGA?

not for now as far as i am aware of