Hang on tracker.request(..) for Android RPC App

Hello, I am trying to run VGG model through Android RPC App.link
When I built the app without OpenCL, inferencing the model with TVM and TVM Autotune succeeded. However, After I modified ‘config.mk’ to turn on OpenCL, the app can be built but, but I found the host side code hang on ‘tracker.request(…)’ function. The host side code is like this,

from tvm import rpc
tracker = rpc.connect_tracker(tracker_host, tracker_port)
remote = tracker.request(key, priority=0, session_timeout=2000)

Does anyone have ideas on this issue?

Looks like android_rpc enable log. Try not filter android log. Rpc use multi-process handle incoming service(at least in cpp_rpc). Maybe you can see something going wrong