Failed to convert ONNX op "gather" to relax using onnx frontend

Hi, I’m trying to convert an ONNX model with dynamic input shape into relax using the onnx_frontend for relax. But it failed converting operator “gather”. It raised an error at line 356 saying “Need to fix this case” in file

I have checked that the input shapes at that node is R.shape([1, 128, (dyn - 3) // 4, 9]) and the “shape_val” to be checked is (dyn - T.int64(3)) // T.int64(4) which seems not a constant and that’s maybe why it leads to this error.

Does anyone knows what I need to do with this case?

@jwfromm , can you please give some advise?

thanks in advance.

At the time that I wrote the importer, Relax didnt yet have support for dynamic gather. @sunggg has since implemented it though. I think we just need to update the converter to not check for static shapes in gather.