Erros in using ffi-navigator

When i use ffi-navigator in vscode, i want to go to define on func ScheduleVectorize, but i got this output, Could someone help me? thx

when i change my rootdir to tvm,i got

I came across this error too. It seems that the python package installed by pip3 is too old. I just replace the ffi-navigator python file with the latest verion in github repo and it works fine in my vscode project

Hi @sebastian. I actually ran into this error when integrating with neovim in my workflow sometime back. I ended up fixing this issue in this PR. Looks like the python package has not yet been updated with the latest repo yet, which is why the error still seems to exist.

Maybe we can raise an issue in the github repo to request tqchen or anyone else who has permissions to update the python package with the latest github.

For now though, as @seanxcwang mentioned, I’m also cloning the latest github repo and installing it using pip as pip install /path/to/ffi-navigator/python.

Thank you very much! it worked!

Thank you very much. I checked this PR and :

pip uninstall ffi-navigator

pip install git+

and restarted VScode, this error is fixed. Thanks!!