Error while trying to target Intel Graphics

I am trying to compile the MXNet ResNet_18 model (from its model zoo) for the Intel integrated graphics, using:

target =, target, params=params)

however, this results in:

File "/mnt/c/Users/<user>/WSL/tvm/src/target/source/", line 80
An internal invariant was violated during the execution of TVM.
Please read TVM's error reporting guidelines.
More details can be found here:
  Check failed: (analyzer.CanProve(call->args[3] == call->args[4])) is false: Intel warp shuffle dose not support width != warp_size

I tested with some random PyTorch network and achieved the same error. I am unsure, if this could be a cause of this problem, but I am using TVM inside Windows Subsystem for Linux (V1), which usually worked fine.

Is the Target still supported or have I just made a mistake?