Error while Installing TVM from source on Windows

I followed the steps for installing TVM from source. Install from Source — tvm 0.19.dev0 documentation

While building I am getting below error.

cmake --build . --parallel 12 MSBuild version 17.11.9+a69bbaaf5 for .NET Framework

tvm_libinfo_objs.vcxproj → C:\Users\tvm\build\tvm_libinfo_objs.dir\Debug\tvm_libinfo_objs.lib tvm_runtime_objs.vcxproj → C:\Users\tvm\build\tvm_runtime_objs.dir\Debug\tvm_runtime_objs.lib tvm_runtime.vcxproj → C:\Users\tvm\build\Debug\tvm_runtime.dll tvm_objs.dir\Debug\tvm_objs.lib : fatal error LNK1248: image size (100339700) exceeds maximum allowable si ze (FFFFFFFF) [C:\Users\tvm\build\tvm_objs.vcxproj]

Can someone help me on this? Thanks

I think this is related to the way you configure VCS I encountered this about six months ago and I recall I had to use an administrator shell during the build process and set up VCS to generate large image sizes. Sadly I can’t seem to find my notes to be more specific.

Hope the above helps.

Ok Found my notes, this is what I found:

  1. You MUST run on the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt terminal or any terminal that runs as a 64-bit process. To see which mode you are in type the following into the terminal: [Environment]::Is64BitProcess

  2. Install TVM:

  • git clone --recursive tvm
  • cd tvm, then mkdir build
  • cd .\build\
  1. Edit the configuration file and add the path C:/build/Release/bin/llvm-config.exe to the USE_LLVM flag

  2. Build TVM using VS:

  • cmake ..
  • cd ..
  • cmake --build .\build\ --config Release -- /m
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Thanks @alopez_13 I will try this

Hi @arul_samuel had you succeed to build it? can you please share your founds? Thanks, Ebraheem

@ebraheema Sorry for late reply. No I haven’t tried the above suggestion yet. If I find some time I will try and let you know. For now I haven’t tried it yet. You can also share if you have any observation or foundings. Thanks, Arul

Hi @arul_samuel i had tried the suggestion above but did not successes. after investigation i found that the static lib tvm_objs has exceed the 4GB when building on Debug. so i split it into two on CMakeLists.txt (only on my clone).