I was following the documentation on relax deep dive here
With the imports from the start of the page: With first few lines of the block builder section:
from tvm import relax, topi
from tvm.script import ir as I
from tvm.script import relax as R
from tvm.script import tir as T
bb = relax.BlockBuilder()
n = T.int64
x = relax.Var("x", R.Tensor((n, 784), "float32"))
After that line x ...
I get a TVMError
with the error being:
TVMError: In function relax.ShapeExpr(0: Array<PrimExpr>, 1: Span) -> relax.expr.ShapeExpr: error while converting argument 0: [11:56:23] <redacted-home-dir>/Github/tvm/src/ir/expr.cc:71: InternalError: Check failed: (!actual_type.defined()) is false: Expected type PrimExpr but got runtime.PackedFunc
Thank you in advance for the help!